Over 30 years of anarchist writing from Ireland listed under hundreds of topics
SIPTU Childcare Protest - Tuesday Dec. 9th
Liberty Hall, 1pm
Scrap subvention. provide adequate funding.
Revolutionary organisational principles, both internal and external as theorised by various tendencies.
The victory of Obama in the US presidential elections, echoed all over the world through the mass media, tried to convince us that the single most relevant event in 2 millions of years of human existence had just happened.
As part of the growing struggle against education cuts WSM branches have produced a leaflet that is being distributed by anarchists who study or work across the education sector. We’re working together to build a democratic and open campaign that can fight education cuts, challenge the imposition of fees and push to improve access to, and quality of, education. You can help by downloading the leaflet and distributing it at education protests or at local schools and colleges.
Despite the collaboration between the British Government and the DUP preventing the extension of the 1967 Abortion Act to the north the struggle for women's right to choose continues…..
Leading up to the Westminster vote, the Alliance for Choice campaign was active across the north organising public meetings, street stalls, a pub quiz and symbolic events such as the '40 women a week' protest outside Belfast city hall with an aim to highlight the fact that politicians here are exporting the 'problem' as over 40 women every week are forced to travel to other parts of the UK to carry out an abortion.
141 Lisburn Road,
(Across from Wellington Park Avenue)
12.30 – 1.30 pm Friday 14th November
WSM member Gregor Kerr took part in the Grassroots Mobilisation in Ireland: Opportunities and Challenges panel at Bloom’s First Activist Forum Saturday 8th November in the Teachers Club in Dublin. This is a recording of the session.
The Workers Solidarity Movement held a public demonstration in Belfast in opposition to the Ministry of Defence's decision to hold a march celebrating the occupation and continued atrocities in Afganistan. Here we present two individual reports from members who took part in the protest.
Report of the National Secretary for the Fall 2008 Conference held at the Teachers Club in Dublin on the 25th and 26 of October.
AS we continue to bear the brunt of the recession and our politicians stabilise the interests of the rich and fat cats, the 1960s provides us with an example in the necessity for struggle and social revolution. Sinn Fein and the Social Democratic and Labour Party, pillars of the establishment continue to squabble over the legacy of the Civil Rights Movement they all share one thing in common when it comes to defending the status-quo and attacks on workers rights and conditions.