
PSNI District Policing Partnerships- A template for police accountability?


Hugh Orde, current Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland often refers to the force as the ‘most democratic, accountable police service in the world’. Despite its retention of a heavy arsenal of lethal weapons including Tasers, and a litany of repressive 'anti-terror' legislation including ‘dip-lock courts’.

Opposition To College Fees builds


Last month, Education Minister Batt O'Keeffe indicated that third-level fees were ''back on the agenda''. His comments have been met with strong opposition from university students.

As we enter recession the system still works for the rich


Unemployment has risen by a third in the last year and everyone agrees that worse times are ahead. Worries about losing jobs and not being able to pay the mortgage are growing. Whose fault is it? Is it the politicians administering the economy, or is it the capitalist economy itself?

Hamas, the left and ‘liberation’ in Palestine


Hamas' recent "clampdown" on Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigade in Gaza, rather then its ongoing brutal repression against leftist dissent, including that of feminist voices, dominated Western coverage of life in the occupied territories.

Capitalism & war in the Caucasus


Some things in life are pretty obvious. One is that you don’t attack a heavily armed gang that outnumbers you 30 to 1. 

So what was Georgian leadership thinking when it ordered an attack on South Ossetia? There can be no question that they thought they would be able to defeat Russia. There are, after all, limits to human idiocy.

A look at the Kibbutzim in Israel


The Kibbutz (plural Kibbutzim meaning clustering) movement is a social movement with a long history and one that has numerous connections with Anarchism. It is comprised of many different ideologies and philosophies many with contradictory intentions, sometimes present in the same Kibbutz.

The Recession and housing in northern Ireland


The recession in the economy means that working people are having to come to terms with growing house repossessions, below inflation pay-increases, and a steep rise in the cost of living. Meanwhile, property developers and banks are busy using the credit crunch and the downturn in the housing market to get Government bail outs, despite the fact that it was their speculative polices that helped created the mess in the first place.

The Irish Peace Process and the Working Class


The progress of the Irish Peace process has been both a long and turbulent one. It had seen the development in recent times of the once unimaginable, with Ian Paisley the leader of the DUP and Sinn Fein's Martin McGuiness sharing Power within the local administration. Since then, Paisley has stood down and Peter Robinson has taken over such leadership roles. No doubt in the years ahead many will attempt to pull the threads together of how such in it’s entirety had been moved to happen. Yet with now seeing such an administration up and running, has it delivered beneficial change for working class communities, and more importantly what change, if any, has there been for working class communities since the ending of the ‘war’.



毫無疑問,在日本與其他世界所有的地方一樣存在兩個充滿矛盾的境界相衝突著。一邊是八國集團, 地球上最強大的政府們。加拿大,法國,德國,日本,英國,意大利,俄羅斯和美國。另一邊是其他成千上萬的普通百姓,這些普通百姓們很大部分是這些國家的公民。


八國集團首腦會議將計劃的指示國際貨幣基金( IMF )和世界銀行,會以通過“結構調整方案”再次削減更多花在的教育和保健的經費。據trocaire “南撒哈拉非洲每天仍然需要支付3,700萬美元的債款,因為強大的負債缺少資源,同時間每年有 7百萬兒童死亡” 。這就是八國集團主導的新自由主義(或自由市場)專政的結果。

在1998年,世界20 %的人口生活在最高收入國家裡,其消費支出佔了全世界的86 %,而世界人口中最貧窮的20 %,其消費支出只佔了全世界的1.3 %。而這樣的情況只是越來越糟,在30年前,最窮的20 %人口的總消費事實上佔了2.3 % 。

Personal reflection and glimpse of life on benefits in Belfast


When most people think of benefit fraud they usually think of the ‘solitary criminal figure’ that doesn’t want to work and who continually pockets more from the benefit system than they have been allocated. This vision is primarily the image conjured up by the mainstream media, politicians and the gutter press such as the Sun. It’s ok if your filthy rich and wealthy such as the Murdoch mafia who can afford to hire lawyers and keep their money in offshore accounts away from the public gaze.

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