
The North’s richest getting richer


Despite the rest of us struggling to pay off the bills, poverty wages and coping with increased living costs or being flung on the dole the so-called great and good in our society the wealthiest have never had it so good. Top of the list in the wee north is Eddie Haughey who has a combined wealth of 340 million.

And Portugal Makes Three - looks for ECB\IMF bailout


Yesterday the acting prime minister of Portugal finally threw in the towel and declared the need for an ECB\IMF rescue of the kind that Greece and Ireland already succumbed to last year. So Portugal becomes the third Eurozone country to be press-ganged into the Bailout Brigade.

At the time of Ireland's fall into the clutches of direct rule from Frankfurt, the common consensus was that Portugal would follow not long after. That it has taken until the beginning of April for the inevitable to happen is testament to the desperate struggle of the then Prime Minister José Sócrates to stave off this fate.

ESB Cut Prices, But Not For Those Who Need It


ESB today announced a range of price changes that could decrease the average billpayer's costs by up to 17% for electricity per unit and 6% for gas per unit.. However, this will only apply to customers in good standing, i.e. not to the 100,000-plus ESB customers who are having difficulty paying their bills.

70 Billion Bank Bailout Most Expensive April Fool in History


On the 1st of April 2011 the government got in on the April Fool's game early, by announcing yet another visit to the trough for the endless bailing out of the country's basket case banks to the tune of 70 billion euros. Anyone remember when Brian Lenihan swore on his life that 40 billion was definitely the last of it? My how we laughed...

Class War hits the streets of London - Dare to struggle, Dare to Win!


Last Saturday, 26 March saw up to half a million take part in a TUC organised anti-cuts protest in London.  In the aftermath of the protest there has been much controversy about the 700 strong black bloc that broke away from the protest to throw paint at and break the windows of banks, luxury car dealers and the 4,000 a night Ritz hotel in Central London.  Workers Solidarity's Australian correspondent Sean Matthews argues here that a few broken windows was not violence but a legitimate display of class anger and that if anything this was a welcome distraction from the speech of the Labour leader Ed Miliband whose party initiated and imposed cuts and privatisation of public services over the last decade.

A week of setbacks for Shell but Labour Party now to force Corrib refinery on community


Shell to Sea Someday Independent LeafletThis week as Shell prepares to start construction on the final leg of their controversial Corrib gas pipeline & refinery they have faced multiple set backs. In Erris Shell were prevented accessing construction sites by a blockade of protesters on a number of days while in Dublin Shell were forced to pull out of a conference at the RDS. On top of this 22 TD's gathered under a Shell to Sea banner at the Dail demanding that the consents signed by the outgoing Fianna Fail minister on his last day in power be reversed. This public show of support for Shell to Sea by so many elected representatives is a demonstration of how strongly the public have turned against the project and the Great Oil & Gas Giveaway in general. Despite this it is now the Labour Party Minister Pat Rabbitte who is forcing the project through, who this week has refused to reverse the consents. (Photo C. William Hederman)

Clashes at EU Summit in Brussels


There were clashes earlier in Brussels between riot police and trade union demonstrators as the EU Summit got underway today. An estimated 20,000 people took part in the demonstration against the austerity agenda being pursued by the EU and its constituent governments.

Belfast March against Cuts



Congress says NO to unfair and unnecessary cuts which are damaging services and costing thousands of jobs.
Join with your communities and the trade union movement in our protest against the Westminster and Stormont austerity policies in Belfast on 26th March 2011

An Interview with Mohamed Abdelfattah from Alexandria


Mark Malone interviews Egyptian activist Mohamed Abdelfattah about the role of social media, the changing relationship between police, army and people and the growing role of workers movement in Egypt.

Dub: Cancelled - Challenge the Shell Lies - protest at RDS conference


With the already intense pressure on Shell this week over the consents signed by Pat Carey on his last day in office, see this event has been postponed by the organisers. Shell to Sea are therefore calling off the protest. Thanks to everyone who helped build for it

Challenge the Shell Lies - Join the Dublin Shell to Sea protest 6pm Thursday 24th March, Main Gate RDS, Merrion road.

Next Thursday 24th March Shell E&P Ireland Managing Director Terry Nolan will address a conference entitled 'Securing Ireland's Energy Needs' at the Minvera suite RDS, just inside the Main Gate on Merrion Road.

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