
What is Exploitation? Thinking about Anarchism


Exploitation is an easy enough concept to grasp. It is essentially, when someone does not receive the full returns to their labour. That is when they do not receive the full benefit from their activities.

Okupacja siedziby Shella w Dublinie


Kwatera główna Shell Oil Company w Dublinie była dziś okupowana przez aktywistów, którzy sprzeciwili się w ten sposób przekazaniu korporacji irlandzkich zasobów naturalnych za bezcen. Protestujący krytycznie postrzegają działalność rządu, który z jednej strony oddaje olbrzymiej firmie zasoby warte wiele milionów euro, a z drugiej mamy do czynienia z faktem niedofinansowania ochrony zdrowia i oświaty.

Why Occupy Corrib House? - End the Gas Giveaway!


This morning myself and a number of my comrades from the WSM along with members of Eirigi occupied the roof and reception of Corrib House to draw attention to the state giveaway of Irelands natural resources. Outlined here is my understanding of why we need to act to regain control of our resources.

Preliminary Observations (on the Distribution of Wealth)


"Preliminary Observations" is the introduction to his first, and possibly most important book, the lengthily entitled "An Inquiry into the Principles of the Distribution of Wealth most conducive to human happiness; applied to The Newly Proposed System of Voluntary Equality of Wealth" of 1824. It is this work of which the anarchist historian Max Nettlau remarks: "[this] book, however, discloses his own evolution; having started with a demand for the full product of labour as well as the regulation of distribution, he ended up with his own conversion to communism, that is, unlimited distribution". This preface piece shows signs of being originally written before his own conversion to communist distribution with supplemental additions after that change. In it Thompson lays out his approach of applying the critical method of utilitarianism - the re-examination of all social institutions with an atheist skepticism of all received truths, judging outcomes on the basis of "the greatest happiness for the greatest number" - to the theories of Political Economy.

Η ταξική συνείδηση πρέπει να ενθαρρυνθεί και ενισχυ


Η ταξική συνείδηση πρέπει να ενθαρρυνθεί και ενισχυθεί. Και αυτό πρέπει να είναι ένας από τους στόχους μιας αναρχικής οργάνωσης.

TRIPS και Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου


TRIPS και Παγκόσμιος Οργανισμός Εμπορίου

Μια λίγο παλιά μετάφραση κειμένου σχετικά με το πρόβλημα τω ν φαρμάκων για το AIDS και τη μεταχείρηση από την ΠΟΕ.

Class & Anarchism


Why are anarchists always dragging class into everything? Isn’t class struggle something more at home in a history book than in Celtic Tiger Ireland? After all you don’t see too many downtrodden workers wandering around in donkey jackets, cloth caps and heavy boots.

Thats capitalism


Our Money? - Their money? - Loadsa Money - Taxpayers Money? - Offensive

Anarchism and a moneyless economy


Anarchists are usually pretty good at listing the things we are against: capitalism, racism, religious sectarianism, authoritarianism and so on. We are usually pretty good at explaining how best to struggle: direct democracy and mass direct action.

Where we often fall down is in explaining what we want at the end of the day, and convincing our listeners that it is a realistic alternative rather than a utopian pipe dream.

Book Review: Parecon: Life After Capitalism


Anarchists, in common with all radical proponents of social change are continually asked what their vision of a new society/economy is. What is the "Master Plan", the "Blueprint" that will be followed? We are justifiably wary of outlining any "Blueprint" for an anarchist society that would suggest that it is THE solution and should be followed to the letter - who would enforce this great master plan after all!?

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