
Boston: - The Struggle for Abortion Rights in Ireland


WSM member Aileen O'Carroll if giving a talk in Boston (USA) this week on 'The Struggle for Abortion Rights in Ireland'

Belfast Gay Pride 2008


As part of the annual Gay Pride march, Belfast WSM will be assembling at 12pm at Custom House Square.

For more info please contact

Belfast WSM have also produced a leaflet for the event if you would like to download and distribute. see below

What are we Proud of? & who can we rely on? - Belfast Gay Pride 2008


So what are exactly are we proud of? Is it just that we are attracted to a particular gender or genders? Or, are we proud of our courageous history of struggles as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered/ LGBT/ Queer people for our rights, and against bigotry, oppression and hatred?

Dublin - protest at bogus pregnancy clinic


Saturday 26 July @ 1pm, at 50 Upper Dorset Street (near the corner of Blessington Street / North Frederick Street)

Choice Ireland shall be picketing the rogue anti-choice outfit, the WRC, this Saturday to draw attention to the lies they tell women.

Anti-choice bigots unite in northern Ireland


Orange and Green politicians sometimes find it incredibly easy to come together, especially when it’s to stop progress.

RAG open meeting. "Men and Feminism"


Men & Feminism:

What does it mean to be a man in a patriarchal society? How
can men participate and offer solidarity in the feminist struggle against

Archive of anarchist educationals on Women's Issues to 2008


The following is a list of talks given to WSM branches and public meetings on women's issues and feminism up to 2008.

Cork Women's Right to Choose interview - Putting Politics Before Health


Abortion is a criminal offence in Ireland, even in cases in which a woman is carrying a non-viable foetus, is pregnant as a result of rape or incest or where pregnancy threatens her health. The state has not clarified the circumstances in which abortion to save the life of the women is permissible. The following is an interview with a member of the Cork Women's Right to Choose (CWRTC), an activist group campaigning for abortion rights in Cork (first published in Rebel Worker).

Why there is an International Women’s Day


Every year we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8th. This goes back to 1910, when an international conference of socialist women decided that 'women the world over set aside a particular day each year to remember women and their struggles.'

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