
Dub: Eyewitness from the anarchist movement in Russia - public meeting


The Dublin segment of a European speaking tour with an Anarchist from Moscow who will talk about the anarchist movement in Russia, its successes and failures. Antti Rautiainen lived in Moscow for 13 years, participating in anarchist activities.

Dub: Pride - march with PINC


PINC! Is an LGBTQ group which rejects the idea that Pride needs sponsorship from groups which are actively oppressive in Irish society and the world at large. Corporations like Google actively use their power as information providers to censor internet content in many countries. State organisations like An Garda Siochanna routinely oppress students, grassroots activists in rural areas, the homeless, poor and working class people, as well as having a culture in which rape jokes are found acceptable.

Dub: Choice fundraising party for Rally for Choice


A fundraiser in the Seomra Spraoi social center June 22 to raise fund to help being people to the Rally for Choice in Belfast, July 7th which is a counter demonstration to the Forced Birthers 'rally for life' march.

Dub: Bahrain Demonstration in Solidarity with Persecuted Medical Workers


Witness Bahrain Ireland are holding a demonstration in anticipation of the sentencing of Irish trained Bahraini Medics on 14th June. Following pro-democratic protests in February and March of last year they were arrested, tortured and sentenced in military... court for treating peaceful demonstrators who were victims of police brutality. Subsequently they have been retried in ‘Special Civilian Courts’ for multiple charges against the Regime and await their ultimate verdict.

Dub: Unlock Smithfield


Saturday June 9th see's the start of Unlock NAMA's Smithfield campaign. The Smithfield area, became a developers toytown during the boom but has been left to decay since the property crash. The campaign will focus on community organising, asking locals the question, "what would you do with the emty buildings in the area?".

The launch kicks off at 1pm in Smithfield square. 


2012 Dublin anarchist bookfair


The 7th Anarchist Bookfair tool place in Dublin the weekend of 26th May 2012 at Liberty Hall, Eden Quay. The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair takes place in Dublin every year in the Spring.  

Unlock NAMA Unveiled


Unlock NAMA (UN) hit the headlines in January after occupying a NAMA building in Great Strand Street, Dublin 1. The aim of the occupation was to open a NAMA building to the public for a day and hold a series of talks on the subject. The group, along with around sixty supporters, were eventually evicted by the Gardaí after the intervention of the receiver but that was only the beginning of the campaign.

Dublin May Day - A Call to March with the Anti-Authoritarian block


The WSM are calling for people to march with us on an anti-authoritarian block for this year’s May Day march which is happening on the day itself, Tuesday 1st May, assembling in Parnell Square from 18.30hrs.

The Dublin Council of Trade Unions are the organisers of this event, and this year the theme is the anti-household tax, which has seen the start of a movement against the presiding wisdom of the 1% and the government for stringent austerity. People have seized onto the idea that it is not alright for us to continue to pick up the tab for the bosses, the developers, the banks, and the rich.

“Reclaim the Streets” Party taking place at a secret location in Dublin this Saturday


On Saturday the 28th of April, hundreds are expected to gather for Reclaim the Streets. People will be meeting at the Spire on O’Connell Street at 2pm, and the exact location of the event will only be disclosed on the day itself.

A soundsystem, DJs, face-painters and dancers will congregate to turn a small section of Dublin’s city centre into a carnival of hope and creativity. Donal Corcoran, one of the event coordinators comments “There hasn’t been a Reclaim the Streets party in almost a decade and it’s time that changed. This is about reclaiming public space and creating a positive atmosphere and a hub of entertainment for a few hours”.

Dub: Reclaim the Streets - Free Street Party


Calling the disgruntled, the city's messers and tricksters, all those bored and sick of this age of austerity, ravers, rockers, buskers, artists, the unemployed, trade unionists, wage slaves, wee ones and the retired.

Location will be disclosed on the day. 
Meeting point is The Spire, O'Connell St Saturday,
28 April 2012 - 14:00 until 18:30

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