
Dail protest at Garda rape threat audio


A couple of hundred people turned out in the sunshine this afternoon to show solidarity with the women who are spoken about in the Garda rape comment audio which was released earlier this week. The message of todays event, which was organised by an ad hoc group of organisations and individuals concerned with justice, equality, and women's and human rights under the heading 'Say no to the trivialisation of rape', was that rape is not a joke. Organiser Susan Ms McKay from the National Women's Council said: "Jokes about rape are never funny. Rape is recognised in law as being second only to murder in terms of gravity. An Garda Síochána are responsible for upholding the law and for protecting the public. Their behaviour must be exemplary, and they must respect the people they serve. That includes women. We are half the population, and we are the majority of the population at risk when it comes to crimes of sexual violence."

177 Beggars prosecuted, White collar crime ignored


Gardai have made 177 arrests in a crackdown on "aggressive" or "inappropriate begging" in Dublin city in the past 2 months.  The Dublin Chamber of Commerce are jubliant, boasting that begging has dropped tenfold as a result of the crackdown, meanwhile no charges have been brought nor even any serious garda investigation concluded into the corrupt awarding of a mobile phone licence to Denis O'Brien by Michael Lowry.

Dub: Protest in support of sacked trade unionist


It is 12 months since Dublin Bus dismissed Eugene McDonagh, the National Executive of the NBRU in Harristown Garage over an unofficial dispute in 2009. Protest Rally Wed April 6th,from 12 till 2pm

Dublin Mayday March


Dublin Council of Trade Unions

Mayday March 2011

Sunday 1st May


Parnell square

Dub: Knowledge Exchange - Free Lectures on Hacktivism and more!


Knowledge is an open collective group that aims to bring education and learning to everyone.

To help breakthrough these obstacles and open learning to everyone Knowledge proposes to run seasons of free public lectures. These short courses will be presented by lecturers who are already well versed in the given area. There are no barriers to taking part and the lectures will be free form, shaped as much by those who come as by the those giving them.

Dub: Gluaiseacht Skill Share Weekend


WSM will be hosting a workshop on 'Organising inside, outside and around work' as part of the Gluaiseacht Skill Share Weekend.  That sessions is at 14.00 on Saturday, the full program for the weekend is below.

Dub: Cancelled - Challenge the Shell Lies - protest at RDS conference


With the already intense pressure on Shell this week over the consents signed by Pat Carey on his last day in office, see http://www.indymedia.ie/article/99323 this event has been postponed by the organisers. Shell to Sea are therefore calling off the protest. Thanks to everyone who helped build for it

Challenge the Shell Lies - Join the Dublin Shell to Sea protest 6pm Thursday 24th March, Main Gate RDS, Merrion road.

Next Thursday 24th March Shell E&P Ireland Managing Director Terry Nolan will address a conference entitled 'Securing Ireland's Energy Needs' at the Minvera suite RDS, just inside the Main Gate on Merrion Road.

Protest held at "Courts of Justice" in support of MTL striker facing charges for "Floating Picket" in 2009


Around 100 people demonstrated at the “Courts of Justice” in Parkgate St. in Dublin this morning (16/3/11) in support of Gerard McDonnell, who is facing charges in relation to a “floating picket” in Dublin port in 2009 during the drawn out strike at MRL. The case was adjourned until April 1st as the book of evidence was not ready, despite, as the defence solicitor pointed out, over 18 months having elapsed since the alleged offences.

Port Worker Facing Court Over 2009 Strike – Join the Solidarity Protest


In 2009, a group of workers in Dublin Port fought an 8-month long strike against forced redundancies and pay cuts.  The workers and their local community showed bravery and determination in what was a difficult struggle.  Their employer, Marine Terminals Ltd. (MTL), was eventually forced to come to an agreement with the strikers.

Dub: Hunger-striking migrant workers in Greece solidarity protest



300 immigrants are on their 45th day of hunger strike in Greece. Thursday 10th of March Workers Solidarity Movement organising a protest at the end of the pedestrianised part of Grafton Street Dublin 2, in front of the Molly Malone statue at 17.00 SHARP in solidarity with their struggle for legalisation.. Please show us your support by attending and/or spreading the word around.

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