
CPSU votes to reject Public Sector Agreement


The Civil Public and Services Union (CPSU) has voted to reject the Croke Park deal by over 2 to 1.  This is a very significant result as the 13,000 CPSU members are the lowest paid public sector workers in the country, the grades that might have benefited from the supposed role back of the pay cut is savings were delivered.

The result of the CPSU ballot on the Croke Park Draft Agreement was as follows

Who are the Irish ruling class? TASC reveal Golden circle


TASC have released a detailed report called 'Mapping the Golden Circle' that reveals the "network of 39 individuals [who] held powerful positions in 33 of 40 top public organisations and private Irish businesses." Their analysis shows that within this 11 of these people were "very well connected" and that the most tightly interwoven institutions were all banks. This are the gang who now order us to 'share the pain' yet in 2005-7 they awarded themselves 40% pay increases while most workers were getting one quarter of this.

“Show Croke Park deal the Red Card” say campaigners


INTO Vote No

Public Sector Deal - 10 Reasons to Vote No

Focus on Catholic church in Ireland - Radio Solidarity 3 is now online


Radio Solidarity program no. 3 - focussing on the Church and how it silenced Society - is up on the NearFM podcast site. In this show we tackle the Church and State, their joint complicity in the abuse of children, the subjugation of women and the policing of social norms. This months guests include Dr Helen Keyes, Dairmauid Ferreter, Mags O Brein, Mannix Flynn as well as the usual RS crew

Radio Solidarity Prog. 3 The Church - How it made society silent


In this  Radio Soldarity  we explore the recent rupture between people and the Irish Catholic Church due to the recent turmoil and revelations which have been exposed. 

A day out of the ordinary- The Dublin Anarchist Bookfair!


This May sees the return of the annual Anarchist Bookfair to Dublin, our fifth Bookfair to take place in the city to date. Starting from humble beginnings in the St. Nicholas of Myra Hall in The Liberties five years ago, last years Bookfair was arguably the most successful to date. Over one thousand people passed through Liberty Hall during the day with ten different meetings and workshops held discussing a wide range of topics ranging from Palestine to Left Unity, Iran to Shell to Sea, Social Centres and beyond.


Gregor Kerr on why teachers should Vote No to the PSA


WSM member Gregor Kerr on why teachers should vote no to the Croke Park Agreement. Speaking at a debate organised by the North Dublin branch of the Irish National Teachers Organisation.

Anarchism & the WSM


As the economic crisis continues, the WSM has been busy in a variety of campaigns against measures attempting to impose the costs of the crisis on workers and the poor. WSM members in the public sector trade unions have been active in organising against cuts and pressing for a no vote in ballots on the “Croke Park” agreement. We have also been involved in getting the anti-water charges campaigns up and running in both Dublin and Cork and attended a protest organised by these campaigns at the Green Party annual conference in Waterford.

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