
The IRA and Armed Struggle by Rogelio Alonso


Unlike most literature on the ‘conflict’ in the North, this book assesses the impact and effectiveness of the armed struggle. It devotes significant attention towards the motivations of men and women who joined the IRA and the rigid hierarchal structures which underpinned the organisation to explaining the eventual outcome and ineffectiveness of the armed struggle.

Meaningful Democracy is more than an annual vote


It’s the time of year where we plebs get a chance to rectify our impertinence in rejecting the Lisbon Treaty. In itself, rerunning the referendum is hardly an affront to democracy. After all, people are simply being asked to confirm the decision made.

Thomas Cooke workers show the way - Don’t be bullied by state or bosses


When a force of 80 – 100 gardai arrived at the Thomas Cooke office in Grafton Street Dublin at 5a.m. on Tuesday 4th August, smashed the door down, and dragged 28 protesting workers off to the Bridewell Garda Station, the Irish state was attempting to deliver a strong message to all workers.

Anarchist Pic-nic


A day of fun, talk, food and drink at the great outdoors for Anarchist and friends.

A Victory for the Thomas Cook Workers is a Victory for Us All


In a bid to close its outlets in Ireland, the Thomas Cook travel agents has begun by attempting to sack 44 workers at its two offices located on North Earl St. and Grafton St. in Dublin’s city centre.

Dublin: Picket Mountjoy - Shell to Sea activists sentenced to 4 months


Two prominent Shell to Sea campaigners, Maura Harrington and Niall Harnett have been sentenced to 4 months in prison.

Book review: ‘Gunsmoke and Mirrors’- How Sinn Fein dressed up defeat as victory. By Henry McDonald


Against a backdrop of recent resignations from the Provisional movement, election stagnation in the Republic reflected in growing disillusionment amongst the rank and file. In the words of Toiréasa Ferris "Sinn Féin simply means nothing to the bulk of people in the South....Forget the notion of trying to be a catch-all party that appeals to everyone. That way we’ll end up attracting the loyalty of no one". Scathing criticism, but perhaps a smokescreen to give the appearance of a leadership which tolerates dissent while maintaining firm control.

Building an effective anarchist movement


What do anarchists want? To put it briefly, we want to get rid of capitalism and replace it with a society organised to serve the needs of the many, we want to make real the old call of “from each according to ability, to each according to need”. This will be a socialism where everyone affected by a decision can take part in making that decision, and where the liberties of the individual are respected.

Planning for Poverty


Analysis from Workers Solidarity 1 (1984) of the National Plan that was put forward to get Ireland out of the 1980's recession.

Them and us


Article from Workers Solidarity 1, 1984 about the recession and the companies & individuals who were making millions

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