
Tens Of Thousands March In Cork


In the region of 20,000 workers march through Cork City centre today to oppose Government cuts and the ongoing attacks on wages and conditions.

Solidarity with the Brazilian Federação Anarquista Gaúcha


On Thursday 29th October, the Civil Police of Rio Grande do Sul, under the command of Governor Yeda Crusius, broke into the premises of the Federação Anarquista Gaúcha. Police seized various materials such as posters, minutes of meetings, the hard disk of a computer and also the contents of refuse containers that were at the headquarters. They also tried to intimidate those who came to show their solidarity and names contained in the records of the organization's website. Two comrades were arrested and charged. [In Greek] [In Português]
[Français] [In Italiano]

November 6th strike & protest details


Also today the ballot figures from IMPACT were released. Members voted overwhelmingly in favour of strikes "if the Government moves to impose a second public service pay cut". The vote was 86% to 14%, with a 69% turnout. This compares to a 65% vote for industrial action – just short of the two-thirds required under IMPACT’s rules – on a 53% turnout in a similar ballot last March.

South African Anarchist to speak in Dublin and Cork


Hear a first hand account of Social Struggles in South Africa since the fall of Apartheid. Hear about the strikes and community revolt, and how normal people are fighting back! With a guest speaker from the Zabalaza ACF.

Greens & FF seek to impose water tax again


The Greens and Fianna Fáil have agreed a deal whereby a €225 flat tax will be levied on every household, regardless of income. The levy is expected to generate nearly €300 million a year in revenue. For families which are just barely scraping by, a levy of €225 a year is a serious attack.

Launch of 'The Lost Revolution' - audio


September 10th saw the launch in Dublin of a new history of the Offical IRA and the Workers Party called ‘The Lost Revolution’ by Brian Hanley and Scott Miller. Over 250 people including many ex and current members of the Workers Party as well as members of just about every other left and republican group crammed into the hall for the launch. This is an audio recording of the introduction to the book given by Diarmaid Ferriter followed by each of the authors speaking about the book.

Lost Revolution - History of the Workers Party - launch in Dublin by Andrew Flood on Mixcloud

“NAMA clearly shows why we should Vote No to Lisbon” – Workers Solidarity Movement


Anarchist organisation Workers Solidarity Movement has stated that the foisting of NAMA on the Irish people is a clear reason why people should reject the Lisbon treaty, and has rejected attempts by establishment politicians to claim that there is no connection between the two.

NAMA is a class robbery


The economic crisis we face in Ireland is that huge amounts of money have been lost with the collapse of the property bubble. The question is, who will pay? Will it be the crooked bankers and dodgy developers responsible for this mess, or us, the ordinary working people?

Sammy Wilson attacks victims


The DUP’S Sammy Wilson has recently accused anti-racism groups of exaggerating the scale of racism to access public funding. This statement comes not long after more than 100 Romanians were forced to flee their homes in South Belfast due to racist intimidation and attacks.

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