
Interviw from ICTU Feb 2009 march against job losses and pay cuts


An interview with Dermot who was at the Feb 2009 ICTU demonstration pay cuts & job losses leafletting for the WSM. He talks about the atmosphere of the demonstration and what is to come.

Updates from ICTU March, 21st February 2009


For those of you, like myself who can't make it along to the march today, I'll be posting updates from texters at the march as the day goes by.

Waterford Crystal Workers Speak Out against plant closure


Noel Atkins and Pat Phelan, Waterford Crystal workers and Unite Shop Stewards, travelled to Cork last night to speak out against the attempted closure of the plant. They spoke from the heart as workers tossed on the scrap heap after decades of service.

Dublin meeting of grassroots education workers - F28


At all levels, the education system is under attack from the present government.

The savage cuts already announced at primary and second level appear to be just the first steps in what will be a sustained attack on the public sector in general and education in particular – both from the point of view of the provision of the service and the wages and working conditions of those employed in it.

Support Industrial Action by the Bus Workers!


Dublin Bus is slated to see huge cuts in both staff and services. As many as 290 workers and 100 buses will be cut. This means fewer routes and less frequent service. If the Dublin Bus workers go on strike, it will mean an inconvenience for a few days. However, if they take action and force the company to back down, it will in the long run save us all time and money and will help the environment. It will also serve as a message to the politicians. If they want cuts, they can start by tightening the belts at the top, not the bottom. The politicians are giving bailouts to bankers while they hand out cuts to workers and commuters. It's clear where the money to support public services should come from. It should come from the people who created the crisis!

Support workers occupying Waterford Glass


Workers have been occupying the Waterford Glass factory in Kilbarry for five days now after the receiver was unable to borrow further funds to keep the plant operating. Yesterday as 150 workers continued the occupation members of the Cork WSM visited the plant and interviewed Joe Kelly, the chairman of the Crystal Unite branch. The Cork branch later issued a statement in support of the occupation.

Issues of Workers Solidarity in 2009


The issues of Workers Solidarity in 2009

That's Capitalism - WS107


One child in eight in less developed countries gets no primary schooling, according to UNESCO. Of the approximately 75 million children who receive no primary schooling, about 55% are girls. In sub-Saharan Africa one-third of all children receive no schooling.

Loansharks prey on 40,000 across Northern Ireland


A major financial company with 40,000 customers in the North has admitted that it charges 183.2% interest. This is no backstreet loanshark operation, Provident Financial is a completely legal and government regulated firm.

Protestagainst Repression and state murder, Dublin


Police accountability will only occur when our demands become loud enough to be unavoidable. Cutbacks that will cause the deaths or ordinary people will only be stopped by making our resistance to them loud, and effective.

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