
Rossport Solidarity Camp Returns to Glengad with a Fresh Call Out for Action in 2008


The Rossport Solidarity Camp was originally set up on ‘Rossport 5’ Philip McGrath’s land in 2005. In the Spring of 2006 the camp was set up again close to the beach at Glengad near the ‘landfall’ for Shell’s proposed pipeline. Following a mendacious but successful application by Mayo County Council for an order of eviction against the camp in September of 2007, the camp agreed to leave the dunes by January 1st 2008. Since then the 'camp' has organised from the Rossport Solidarity House in Pollathomas

Property developers expect us to bail them out?


While the rest of us are coming to terms with a deepening recession, growing house repossessions, stagnation in rises and steep rise in the cost of living. In the face of a so-called downturn in the housing market and credit crunch, the wealthy in the form of parasitic property developers and speculators expect to be bailed out by the Government for their calculated error in borrowing too much from Banks and leanding to first time buyers

Report: Anarchism and Class Struggle in Latin America


Recently, Belfast WSM held our 2nd public meeting in the Culturlann on Saturday 16th August. Award winning documentary “Our Oil and other Tales” was shown and WSM guest speaker Pepe gave an overview of the current anarchist movement in Latin America. Members and guests listened intently. Issues that arose included the importance of social movements and its contradictions on the continent and the lessons that can be learned at home from the campaign against water charges and privatization of water in Cochabamba(Bolivia).

Interview: NYC anarchist at the G8 in Japan


The 34th G8 summit took place in Japan July 7th to 9th 2008. Andrew Flood interviewed Diane K. a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the (US) Northeast Federation of Anarchist-Communists (NEFAC) who traveled to Japan from New York to take part in the summit protests and counter summit.

Sinn Fein at the West Belfast Feile - the bureaucratic spin machine


When it comes to ‘spin’, ‘bling’ and ‘mantra’ Sinn Fein are masters in disguise and a mouthpiece of New Labour......
During this year’s West Belfast Feile Talk Back we were once again greeted with the sight of Deputy First Minister Martin McGuiness in a dazzling, articulate performance that left the unionist opposition in a limbo and would make former Labour spin doctor Alistair Darling proud. Beneath the hollow words from the platform on the need to ‘work together’, ‘building an Ireland of equals’ or ‘we face many challenges’ lies a much more sinister side based on cut-throat Thatcherite capitalism that Sinn Fein and all the other political rulers seek to promote and impose.

A summer of Discontent?


As we as workers and unemployed continue to bear the brunt of the rising cost of living and economic downturn weasel words from current British prime minister Gordon Brown and local administration that they understand ‘our concerns’ and tighten our belts is ok for some with their fat cat salary and the perks. It’s seems that our bosses including trade union bureaucrats are clearly divorced now more than ever from the everyday realities and concerns facing our class.

Developers target Seagrange Park in Baldoyle


A strong message has been sent to developers Quinn Property over the future of Seagrange Park, Baldoyle, following a public meeting held at Bayside community hall Tuesday July 15th.

Baldoyle and Bayside locals gathered at the community centre to discuss proposals made by developers Quinn Property, along with the Affordable Homes Partnership, to have the Brickfields site rezoned for the construction of a six-storey block of apartments.

What are we Proud of? & who can we rely on? - Belfast Gay Pride 2008


So what are exactly are we proud of? Is it just that we are attracted to a particular gender or genders? Or, are we proud of our courageous history of struggles as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered/ LGBT/ Queer people for our rights, and against bigotry, oppression and hatred?

Reject ISME / SFA demands for wage freeze



Workers Solidarity Movement,
23rd July 2008

Is Iris Robinson from planet mars?


It seems that DUP MLA Irish Robinson and sections of our local ruling class particular the Democratic Unionist Party have more in common with the Afghan Taliban or mad mullahs in Iran or Saudi Arabia than the British Army these days..... In her latest outburst during a heated debate on the rights to abortion with journalist Eamonn McCann on the popular Nolan Show Iris claimed, “Government has a responsibility to uphold God’s law morally...”

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