
ICTU march - No recovery on the back of the workers


These are a selection from the many shots I took on a day when our class re-discovered a little something of its old combative spirit, and the numbers marching are more comfort to ordinary working folk than to those who would misinterpret this monster attendance as endorsement of their strategy of appeasement towards IBEC and the government. I saw David Begg walk up Parnell Sq. East towards the Garden of Remembrance a half-hour or more before the march started. He was alone and he looked downcast - surrounded by thousands of his fellow trade unionists, none of whom seemed to notice or even care about his presence among them. Nobody greeted him or was willing to share his company on this day of days. It couldn't have happened out of ignorance on the people's part, for Mr. Begg's face, voice and message assails us from all state and private media organs. It couldn’t have occurred from unfamiliarity either, for surely it couldn’t be true that our leaders generally disdain our company?

Interviw from ICTU Feb 2009 march against job losses and pay cuts


An interview with Dermot who was at the Feb 2009 ICTU demonstration pay cuts & job losses leafletting for the WSM. He talks about the atmosphere of the demonstration and what is to come.

Momentum Builds for National Strike


From late morning yesterday (Sat. 21st February) it was clear that the Irish Congress of Trade Unions’ National Demonstration was going to be huge. It was also clear that those marching were from all over the country and from all types of employment – both public and private sector.

Updates from ICTU March, 21st February 2009


For those of you, like myself who can't make it along to the march today, I'll be posting updates from texters at the march as the day goes by.

Pay cuts, job losses - Organise the Fightback


As soon as possible we need a unified day of strike action across the entire public sector to demand withdrawal of this pay cut. One day of strike action is unlikely to be enough to force a change of government policy. So this needs to be followed up with an ongoing campaign of strike action. Join us for the march on Saturday at the Parnell monument from 1.30.

Was ICTU behind the pensions levy?


Did the idea of the so called 'Pensions Levy' come from some of the very Irish Congress of Trade Unions leadership who are supposed to negotiate on behalf of workers. This is one revelation that emerged on Saturday morning at a meeting of over 100 public sector trade unionists and two delegates from the Waterford Glass occupation. We were meeting in the Davenport hotel, Dublin to discuss a collective response to government attacks on workers and in particular the public sector pay cut. Most of those present were on branch committees or even national executives with a couple of branches delegating representatives to the meeting. The gathering could in that context be said to reflect the views of a large number of branches across the unions that organise public sector workers.

Waterford Crystal Workers Speak Out against plant closure


Noel Atkins and Pat Phelan, Waterford Crystal workers and Unite Shop Stewards, travelled to Cork last night to speak out against the attempted closure of the plant. They spoke from the heart as workers tossed on the scrap heap after decades of service.

Dublin: National meeting of Public Sector Trade Unionists



SATURDAY, FEB 14, 11.30 to 2.30, Davenport Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin

ICTU must call a One Day National Stoppage to begin a real campaign!

Cork: Public Meeting - Waterford Crystal Workers Speak Out!


Public meeting in support and solidarity with the Waterford Crystal workers in occupation of their place of work in defiance of the receivers' plans.

Meeting happening at 8 p.m., Monday 9th February, Victoria Hotel, Cork.

Support Industrial Action by the Bus Workers!


Dublin Bus is slated to see huge cuts in both staff and services. As many as 290 workers and 100 buses will be cut. This means fewer routes and less frequent service. If the Dublin Bus workers go on strike, it will mean an inconvenience for a few days. However, if they take action and force the company to back down, it will in the long run save us all time and money and will help the environment. It will also serve as a message to the politicians. If they want cuts, they can start by tightening the belts at the top, not the bottom. The politicians are giving bailouts to bankers while they hand out cuts to workers and commuters. It's clear where the money to support public services should come from. It should come from the people who created the crisis!

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