
Belfast: Protest in support of sacked Subway migrant worker



141 Lisburn Road,
(Across from Wellington Park Avenue)
12.30 – 1.30 pm Friday 14th November

Belfast: Picket Subway in support of Sacked Young Pregnant Migrant Worker


You can make a difference.

Join the Protest


141 Lisburn Road,

(Across from Wellington Park Avenue)


12.30 – 1.30 pm Friday 7th November

INTO members urged to vote No to rotten pay deal



The text of a leaflet distributed among INTO members. While it's written specifically for INTO members, the arguments in it are obviously applicable across all unions.

Belfast: Picket of subway to reinstate sacked migrant worker


After a successful picket, another one will take place outside Subway

6 – 8 Great Victoria Street



Anger as Cork health workers fight on two fronts ...


Cork hospitals are under attack with major cuts planned ... Meanwhile Beacon Medical Group's planned 'Co-location' hospital in Cork draws closer. It would seem like high-time to call in the union and put manners on a few people but where is SIPTU's Joe O'Callaghan?

Book Review: Sweatshop Warriors: Immigrant Women Workers Take On The Global Factory


The book seamlessly alternates between the direct testimony of the ‘Sweatshop Warriors’ themselves and analysis of the growth and spread of globalised capitalism. This book was published in 2001 but 7 years later its strength still lies in its simplicity.

It gives voice to “immigrant women workers who are barred from rooms where deals get cut…who get punished for telling the truth; who are asked to speak only as victims…” And by giving a platform to these too often unheard voices, the book demonstrates that self-organisation is the key to successfully fighting back against the exploitation and abuse faced by those at the bottom of the economic ladder.

Court upholds Gordon McNeill’s right to protest


Unite leaders forced to back down from their attempt to imprison him.

Unite leaders’ attempt to cripple Gordon with legal costs thrown out by the court

“I will now be returning to my lawful protest outside Transport House” Gordon McNeill

The case brought by the Unite leadership against sacked airport shop steward, Gordon McNeill, was heard in the Belfast High Court this morning. Unite were attempting to have Gordon imprisoned for breaking an injunction barring him from protesting at Transport House.

Re-Building Trade Union Activism Conference


Grassroots Shop Stewards and Union Activists Conference: Re-Building Trade Union Activism

Saturday 20th September
Venue: UNITE Hall,
Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1.

Protest against attempt to jail former airport worker Gordon McNeill


Former Airport worker Gordon McNeill has resumed hunger/thirst strike on Thursday to lift a gagging order clause preventing him speaking out against the role of trade union officials during the dispute.
Gordon commented: “Tony Woodley and Jimmy Kelly are offering me a bribe to keep me silent about the role of officials of my union. I will never accept these terms.

Sinn Fein at the West Belfast Feile - the bureaucratic spin machine


When it comes to ‘spin’, ‘bling’ and ‘mantra’ Sinn Fein are masters in disguise and a mouthpiece of New Labour......
During this year’s West Belfast Feile Talk Back we were once again greeted with the sight of Deputy First Minister Martin McGuiness in a dazzling, articulate performance that left the unionist opposition in a limbo and would make former Labour spin doctor Alistair Darling proud. Beneath the hollow words from the platform on the need to ‘work together’, ‘building an Ireland of equals’ or ‘we face many challenges’ lies a much more sinister side based on cut-throat Thatcherite capitalism that Sinn Fein and all the other political rulers seek to promote and impose.

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