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Paul Bowman gives a 40 minute presentation on the Euro as a moment of the internationalisation of capital and looks for a way of dealing with the crisis that goes beyond the alternative models of capital being argued for by the left. If the height of a crisis is not the moment to raise a discussion of an anti-capitalist alternative then when is? Beyond this he also warns against the stagest approach much of the left has adopted where the economic crisis is to be addressed first by a demand for growth and the environmental crisis ignored till later.
We present the talk both as audio only and with a video.
An anti-capitalist and environmentalist perspective on the Euro crisis by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud
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The video brings together three aspects of internationalism, its a 1. Tourist trip around the city of Dublin on a 2. Viking theme that takes place in a WWII era DUKW that took part in the 3. D-Day landings. It does indeed drive into the water mid way through.We present the talk both as audio only and with a video. The video brings together three aspects of internationalism, its a 1. Tourist trip around the city of Dublin on a 2. Viking theme that takes place in a WWII era DUKW that took part in the 3. D-Day landings. It does indeed drive into the water mid way through.