Cork vigil for Erris people struggling against Shell


Shell to Sea activists and friends gathered at Daunt Sq. for a candle-lit vigil tonight to show their support publicly for Shell to Sea, and to show support for local anti-Shell activist Maura Harrington, whose hunger strike against the pipe-laying ship the Solitaire being in Irish waters continues.Shell to Sea activists gathered tonight at Daunt Sq., Cork at 9pm to hold a candle-lit vigil for Maura Harrington's continuing fast outside the Shell compound gates up at Glengad, Co. Mayo. The gathered activists lit candles and gave out leaflets to and engaged with passers-by explaining the current situation in Co. Mayo. Good to see many old faces, and a few new ones too! The vigil was continuing when I left about 10:30 pm.

More Cork S2S events will be happening over the weekend - keep an eye out for them!

Cork Shell to Sea aims to meet again regularly and to be very active again soon taking the fight to Shell both in Cork and also when we will be in Mayo! there's much to be done in the coming weeks - mobilising for action in Mayo over the coming weekends, and rebuilding the campaign to continue the fight against Shell and the state. Contact us at, and help safeguard Erris' and Ireland's future!