Over 30 years of anarchist writing from Ireland listed under hundreds of topics
The film “Listen To Venezuela" has been described as,
"... taking the viewer into a contemporary revolution and extraordinary experiment in radical democracy and social justice. In Venezuela, ordinary people have rejected the savage neo-liberal capitalism that has been imposed the world over. In the west, democracy has been drained of any substantive connection with popular power and accountability over the powerful.
In Venezuela, the once marginalised majority have become political actors in a story they have reclaimed from the Venezuelan oligarchy, western business interests and political domination from Washington. Listen To Venezuela builds a multi-leveled, visually diverse account of the struggle for social change, a struggle to build a different kind of society where human needs, not profit, are prioritised; a struggle whose outcome has implications for everyone..."
The film makers, Mike Wayne & Deirdre O’Neill will be there, introducing and talking about their film, and available for a Q&A session afterwards! Film Night: “Listen to Venezuela” Thursday 8th Sept, 8 pm at Solidarity Books 43 Douglas Street http://solidaritybooks.org admission free, donations appreciated