The future of the CAHWT - Making Democracy Work


Almost a month has passed since the national conference of the Campaign Against Household and Water Taxes (CAHWT). While on the surface things look pretty quiet, this is a critical juncture for the campaign. The momentum that has been lost by the attachment of the CAHWT to the unsuccessful No referendum campaign will only be rebuilt when the government make their next move, but those active in the campaign need to use the coming weeks to prepare for that eventuality.

Making the democratic structures that were decided at the national conference work is of paramount importance. The first delegate national steering committee (DNSC) meeting will take place on Saturday June 23rd. Motion 52 that was passed at conference states that “Each county will be entitled to 5 delegates with the exception of Cork which will be entitled to 10.  Each Dublin constituency will also be entitled to 5 delegates.” This means that over the next week county committees should be meeting to elect delegates.

Conference also decided that delegates should be mandated by their committees. This means that the county committee as a group should decide what positions its delegates takes on the issues that are to be discussed. Conference motion 51 states that “The CAHWT will be built on a democratic structure that utilises elected, mandated and recallable officer and delegates… Regional groups should meet monthly, before the national steering committee to facilitate election of delegates and discussion of relevant issues.”

Items to be discussed at DNSC on the 23rd will include motions that were referred back from conference, the upcoming national demonstration and crucially, the campaigns response to the looming “threatening letters” that will be sent out to non-payers.

Making the campaign’s democratic structures work now and taking united action on government threats will strengthen the campaign and ensure it is capable of responding quickly to any eventuality. The future of the CAHWT is the responsibility of all members so make sure your county committee meets to elect and mandate delegates and every member of the campaign can have their say.