IT workers and struggles in work over time - 3rd Rethinking Revolution discussion


In this audio download from the third of the Rethinking Revolution sessions  Aileen O'Carroll draws on the stories and diaries of those working in IT company’s to talk about the secrets and contradictions of working in a global industry. The myth is that IT workers happily work a 60 hour week but like workplaces of a previous era, there is a struggle over the nature of work and the length of working time within our lives. The left tends to focus on the formal visible struggles conducted through trade unions. What can this other level of often individualised struggle teach us in the fight for a new world?

The audio is from the third of the Rethinking Revolution discussions held in Seomra Spraoi by the WSM Outreach group. The slides displayed during the talk are below.  Listen to the audio.


IT workers and struggles in work over time by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


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