RAG Table Quiz


in the Lower Deck Next TuesdayRAG will be hosting a fundraising table quiz on august 8th at 8pm in the Lower Deck, Portobello, Dublin 8.

it's €5 per person in, and tables can have three to five people. there will be Fabulous Prizes including spot prizes. the question categories will include music (with actual real live not-live recorded music!), geography & science, fantasy & mythology, language & grammar, 80s pop culture and a proper picture round. the questions won't be impossible and we promise an evening of low-priced competitive fun.

the quiz is being organised by RAG, a revolutionary anarcha-feminist group. we meet regularly in dublin and will be publishing a magazine this september. as well as writing articles and preparing the magazine content, we also hold discussions, argue about grammar, show films, provide support for each other, make up complicated boat metaphors and have fun. all money raised will go towards ensuring that we pay the printers with money instead of puppies, kittens and our immortal souls.

for more info on this event or our group contact: ragdublin@riseup.net

please come!