Taft on the recession and ESRI report


Michael Taft has provided a useful quick review of the ESRI Quaterly commentary and the contradictions with government claims over at his Notes on the Front blog.  He says this points at a "joyless an jobless" recovery

From the ESRI report he highlights
- that the "deficit will continue to deteriorate. They project it will fall to -12 percent."
- on debt "The ESRI projects a much higher number – over 89 percent."
- the ESRI "projects that the job increase for 2011 will be . . . 1,000", the government claims 20,000
- "by 2011 the ESRI projects a lower growth rate than the Government"_
- "the ESRI predicts that the size of the economy will be significantly smaller in nominal terms"

Read his review at Notes on the Front