Will we see a revolution in our lifetime? - Audio from Rethinking Revolution 2


Listening to Rethinking Revolution at Seomra SpraoiThis is the audio recording of the second 'Rethinking Revolution' meeting on the topic of 'Will there be a revolution in our lifetime.' "Are we spending our precious time outside of work at protests and meetings because we want to improve our lives or are we just fighting for future generations. In either case what is it that we are trying to do as we move from topic to topic and struggle to struggle?"

Alan MacSimoin doesn't expect to see the glorious day while Andrew Flood is preparing for it being just around the corner.

 Rethinking revolution is a series of discussions in Dublin about the core ideas those of us who want revolutionary change think we have in common and so too often neglect to discuss. The discussions are kicked off by an opinionated presentation of one or more approaches on these questions with the purpose of drawing all present into a discussion that we hope will continue long after the meeting.

If your on Facebook and want to be sure of getting notifications of future Rethinking Revolution meetings join the Facebook Rethinking Revolution group.

Note on the recording: Due to technical difficulties the second part of Andrew's presentation had to be re-recorded and the first 15 minutes of the discussion are missing. The rest of the discussion was recorded although at a lower quality to the rest of the recording. The total length is just over one hour

Link to the audio on indymedia.ie


Will we see a revolution in our lifetime? by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud