Welcome Guide for folks going to the G8 in Germany


Below is a timeline of some events

# friday 1. of june: squatting the bombodrom, ex bombingrange which
wants the nato activate again/ meeting point of byciclecaravanes coming
>from eastern europe, westerneurope, berlin, etc.

# saturday 2. of june: big demonstration in rostock + anti nazi
demonstration in schwerin

#sunday 3. of june: global action day of agriculture in rostock/
international networking meeting of migrants in rostock
rally with stops on supermarkets, laboratories for genetical modified
animals and crops on bikes, skaters, cars - east of Rostock

#monday 4. of june: global action day of migrants: freedom of movement
is everybodys right
morning: blockade of the foreigner Office in Rostock near City Harbour
18 h: demonstration in rostock

#tuesday 5. of june: decentral blockades and antimilitaristic action in

#wednesday 6. of june: blockade of rostock laage airport (blockg8 might
organise big massblockades around heiligendamm

#thursday 7.of june: Starmarch to the fence, decentral blockades
or plan b

#friday 8. of june: decentral blockades of departure and action day on
climate change
or plan b

aftermeeting end of august in france