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WSM administration document, last amended at June 2011 National Conference
Constitutional definition of role:
(i) To be the first spokespeson of the organisation
(ii) To keep a record of all national correspondence.
(iii) To write a report on National Conference for indymedia, anarkismo, etc.
(iv) To foster contacts that live outside existing areas of activity as outlined in the Recruitment policy paper.
(v)will sit on Office Administrator Co-ordination committee
(vi)Will work with the Office Administrator arranging what days they will work of a given week. In this process they will highlight what days are most advantageous for the member to work. In this they will factor in ongoing strikes, paper delivery etc. The National Secretary cannot tell the employee what days to work only ensuring they work 3/4 hours three days a week.
(vii) They will contribute to the report by this committee for Conference Spring 2010.
WSM Constitution section 10c
The National Secretary has responsibility, in the first instance unless another member has been delegated by the organisation, for issuing press statements and representing the WSM to the media.
Copies of all correspondence sent and received must be posted to the WSM internal website. Correspondence should be dealt with as soon as possible, and always within two weeks.
Conference report:
Following the National Conference, the National Secretary will ensure that a short news report on the Conference is produced which will be posted on our web page, on Anarkismo, and on any other relevant pages.
Constitutional definition of role:
(i) To coordinate Delegate Council and to ensure that mandates are recorded and carried out.
(ii) To coordinate National Conference and to ensure that mandates are recorded and carried out.
(iii) To produce the pre-National Conference Internal Bulletin
(iv) To be a member of the Interim Decisions Committee
WSM Constitution section 10c
Delegate Council
The Internal Secretary will ensure a date is chosen for Delegate Council at least 3 weeks in advance and that a branch is responsible for providing a chair and minute taker.
The Internal Secretary will publish an agenda a week in advance of Delegate Council and ensure that copies of all necessary documentation (standing orders, motions, minutes, etc.) are present at Delegate Council.
The Internal Secretary will chase up mandates and bring unfulfilled mandates to each Delegate Council.
National Conference
The Internal Secretary will ensure a date is chosen for National Conference at least 6 weeks in advance.
The Internal Secretary will publish an agenda 3 days in advance of National Conference and ensure that copies of all necessary documentation (standing orders, motions, minutes, etc.) are present for all members at National Conference.
The Internal Secretary will chase up mandates from National Conference and bring unfulfilled mandates to each Delegate Council.
Constitutional definition of role:
(i) To establish and maintain contact with similar organisations abroad, and to send them our publications and news of our activities.
(ii) To organise the translation of articles from foreign papers, and to be responsible for the writing of articles when requested by contacts abroad.
(iii) To place a report in each IB.
WSM Constitution section 10c
Making contacts:
The International Secretary will seek to establish contact with organisations which seem to be close to our position (e.g. FdCA in Italy), or containing tendencies which may be moving close to our position, or are important libertarian forces within their own countries (e.g. the CGT of Spain or the SAC of Sweden).
The purpose of this contact is to share news, inform them about our politics, learn of their positions & activities, and to work towards short term co-operation on specific issues and long term co-operation on the basis of political agreement.
Where an organisation comes to our notice which appears to meet one or more of the above criteria contact is generally established, in the first instance, by writing with a short explanation of our politics and activities. Copies of Workers Solidarity are also sent along with pamphlets (where it is felt worthwhile). A list of our 'position papers' is also included with an offer of copies of any or all of the documents they are interested in seeing. Rather than send our position papers on first contact it is better to wait for them to request a copy as this indicates some level of serious interest in our politics.
Copies of all correspondence sent and received must be retained on file. Correspondence should be dealt with as soon as possible, and always within four weeks.
Retaining and developing existing contacts:
This is done through regular correspondence which seeks to find out more about their activities and policies on specific issues such as activity within the trade unions, attitude towards syndicalism, position on the role of revolutionary organisations, etc.
Exchange copies of WSM publications:
A list of organisations/papers with whom we have agreed to exchange publications will be maintained and updated as necessary by the International Secretary.
Anarchist archives:
In the case of pamphlets or books produced by the WSM it is the job of the International Secretary (not the Bookservice Organiser) to send copies to those anarchist archives we supply with our publications.
All correspondence (and replies) is kept on file in folders, one per year. At the end of each year correspondence with the different organisations is collected together in chronological order.
Also filed are publications of other organisations, information about them, and collections of addresses of anarchist organisations around the world. The latter can be used to request information about events in particular countries (e.g. when writing an article for Workers Solidarity).
Criteria for filing material:
We receive a large number of newspapers and journals, including some unsolicited rubbish. It would not be worthwhile or valuable to retain everything we receive. It would also entail renting a small warehouse!
Sorting the wheat from the chaff involves picking out
International Solidarity Fund - Grants
Where time is important the International Secretary may sanction donations to overseas bodies requesting financial aid from the WSM International Solidarity Fund, up to a maximum of €200.00. Such donations should be in line with the aims and policies of the WSM.
The appeal for assistance and the International Secretary’s response must be published on the WSM's internal website
Any donation in excess of €200.00 must be agreed by either National Conference or the Delegate Council.
International Solidarity Fund – Bank Account
That a separate bank account for the International Solidarity Fund be opened, and that the International Secretary is responsible for presenting accounts for this Fund to WSM National Conference.
IB report:
Each IB must contain a report listing correspondence received and sent, conferences attended, publications received, brief news items about anarchists abroad.
Report to conference:
A report must be prepared and submitted to the pre-conference IB.
(i) To keep a record of all funds and financial transactions at national level.
(ii) To place in each IB a financial statement.
WSM Constitution section 10c
The National Treasurer keeps a record of all income and expenditure (at a national level) in an account book. This will include members subscriptions, donations, spending on printing of Workers Solidarity, officers out-of-pocket expenses, etc.
Bank Account:
The National Treasurer will be one of the signatories for any and all WSM national bank accounts. All monies must be banked with two weeks of receiving same. The national treasurer is responsible for organising internet banking for all WSM accounts. The treasurer shall have access to all WSM internet banking accounts. If necessary, therefore, the treasurer will be named on all accounts.
The national treasurer may transfer the appropriate subscriptions from the branch to the national account. The national treasurer shall consult the branch treasurer as to the appropriate sum and the latter shall be informed of such transactions.
IB report:
Each IB must contain a summary of income and expenditure.
Report to conference:
A report must be prepared and submitted to the pre-conference IB.
(i) To help co-ordinate branch educationals based on the needs of branches.
(ii) To help co-ordinate educationals for new members.
(iii) To ensure that all members are competent in basic organizing skills and knowledge and to help facilitate the sharing of specialised technical skills and knowledge across the organization.”
(iv) To ensure that the text of educationals is published on the internal website
To purchase books and pamphlets for the Bookservice. Consultation with other members is advised as to titles before stock is bought.
To deal with all orders. To arrange bookstalls at meetings and events.
To place advertisements in suitable publications for both the Bookservice and for specific WSM publications, including Workers Solidarity.
A copy of all books and pamphlets published by the WSM shall be submitted to the National Library, the Trinity College Library and the Linenhall Library.
To bring proposals for reprinting at least six short pamphlets per year to Delegate Council. The production of those titles agreed will be financed from national WSM funds. These will be reprints of material already published by the WSM, and will be printed in initial runs of at least 100. They will also be made available on www.wsm.ie as pdfs. They will be produced in a uniform design style.
Bank Account:
The Bookservice Organiser will be one of the signatories for the Bookservice bank accounts.
Report to conference:
A report detailing sales, advertising undertaken, value of stock, and balance in bank account must be prepared and submitted to the pre-conference IB.
Branch Meetings:
To minute proceedings, recording decisions taken and progress on implementing them. To present minutes to the following meeting. To prepare a draft agenda for meetings.
Delegate Council
The Branch Secretary will give a brief report to each Delegate Council including:
- the number of people in the branch, active and ‘on leave’; new members and resigned/lapsed members.
- any activities (e.g. public meetings) organised by the branch, with information about the number of members and non-members attending, and any follow-up. - any leaflets or posters produced by the branch.
- any non-WSM activities supported by the branch (e.g. conferences, protests), and how they went. Include information about any significant political debates/differences and how the WSM has responded.
- Branch Secretaries will sit on Office Administrator Co-ordination Committee
- They will contribute to the report by this committee for Conference Spring 2010
Isolated Members:
Branch secretaries are responsible for maintaining contact with isolated members who are attached to their branch. They should:
* contact such members by email or phone at least once a month. Keep them informed of activity at a branch and national level, and encourage them to use the internal
* ensure they receive copies of Workers Solidarity
* coordinate with the member to organise at least one public meeting a year in their area
To maintain and develop contact, by letter and meetings, with people who show an interest in our politics.
All correspondence relating to the branch should be dealt with as soon as possible, and always within two weeks.
IB report
Each IB must contain a report listing correspondence received and sent, decisions made and branch activity, coverage in the local media, relations with other organisations in the locality.
The Branch secretaries should co-ordinate the implementation of our Education document
Report to conference
A report on the activity of the branch must be prepared and submitted to the pre-conference IB.
Address lists
That copies of all address lists (contacts, Workers Solidarity subscribers and stockists, international mailing list, bookservice customers) be made by the person responsible for each area and given to another officer. This will mean that in case of fire, flood or other disaster a copy will remain within the organisation. All lists and back-up copies should be updated prior to each conference.
(i) To collect dues from branch members, and forward half of those dues to the National Treasurer
(ii) To keep a record of all funds and financial transactions at branch level
The Branch Treasurer keeps a record of all income and expenditure (at branch level) in an account book. This includes members subscriptions, money sent to National Treasurer, spending on printing of leaflets etc. Records shall be copied to the national treasurer upon request.
Bank account
The Branch Treasurer will maintain an account for the branch, and will be one of the signatories of that account.
IB Report
Each IB must contain a summary of branch income and expenditure.
Report to Conference
A report must be submitted to the preconference IB.
Members Subscriptions=
Half of all members subscriptions shall be sent to the National Treasurer to pay for national expenses (printing of paper etc). The other half shall be retained to pay branch expenses.
The Dublin Branches will pay half the rent of the office.
A donation will be sought from all non-WSM organisations which may be allowed to use the meeting room in the WSM office.
The internet group is responsible for backing up the website at least every 4 months. The internet group will report each successful backup to delegate council.
Reports to Meetings
In order to save time at meetings, reports from campaign groups, other meetings etc., should, where possible, be prepared in advance, in the style used to prepare a report for the IB. For example, a report from a campaign group would include details of how many attended the meeting (and how many apologies), what major decisions were taken, any reports of how previous major decisions were carried out, what other political groupings were putting forward.
That a co-ordinator be elected when we are involved in specific campaigns.
Outgoing Officers
Outgoing officeholders are responsible for explaining to incoming officers the details of the work they will be doing (e.g. how to access email accounts, which correspondence is important, how internet banking works etc).
Short Term Perspectives
Administration (this section is experimental)
Ensuring that there is strong ongoing engagement between the WSM and people who are not members is a complex task that cannot easily be systematically carried through on a volunteer basis. Therefore we will aim at funding a full time national administration post to be followed as resources become available by regional administration posts.
The role of the administrator will be to
- Track and organize the implementation of the WSM pyramid of engagement as agreed by Delegate Council
- Aid the internal secretary in keeping track of members collective work hour allocation
- Re-publish and summarize other press articles for the WSM public site
- Ensuring the Workers Solidarity gets to all branches and individual distributors.
- Ensuring the office is adequately stocked with paper toner etc.
- Cleaning the office
- Ensuring the banner papers and placards are at demonstrations the organisation is attending in their region.
- Aid with the compilation of the Conference IB with the internal secretary
- Be present to accept WSM publications from couriers.
- Distribute WSM publications at demonstrations in the hours they are working.
- Meeting all new WSM contacts within two weeks if no other members is available to meet this person in that time period
- Organise fund raising drives
The position of administrator is open to someone who has been an organizer for a minimum period of a year and has shown good organisational and communication skills.
Administrator Selection
The administrator co-ordination committee will choose administrators from available qualified candidates. It will be composed of the National Secretary and all Branch Secretaries. Any interested members will submit applications. The committee will select the best qualified candidate who will bring minimum expense to the organisation. The committee is entitled to reject individuals if they are unsuitable.
Report and Direction
The Office Administrator will report to the National Secretary and can only be instructed by the Branch Secretary's or the National Secretary on activities needed. No other member of the organisation has the right to require them to carry out tasks. Work requests from other members should be CCed to the National Secretary. This must be adhered to stringently or could become unworkable.
The Administrator will work 36 hours a week. The exact days and hours worked will be agreed in consultation with the national secretary but will where needed include evenings and weekends to ensure the administrator will be working during the hours of demonstrations, meetings etc. xxx
If the Administrator has a complaint they should take a case under the WSM Complaints and Dispute resolutions procedure. All members of the Office Administrator Co-ordination Committee will absent themselves if they are currently sitting on the complaints panel.
If the National Secretary or any branch Secretary feel the individual is not carrying out the tasks outlined they must take the issue to a committee composed of the National Secretary and all Branch Secretary's. Individual members can highlight the issue through their branch secretary who can then bring the issue forward. If the committee agrees with the complaint the Administrator will receives a formal warning. A third warning results in a ending of the remuneration agreement. The Administrator has the right to appeal any warning to the complaints panel under the Complaints and Dispute resolutions procedure This must be done within 14 days.
If the committee feels the complaint represents a very serious derliction in duty the agreement can be terminated immediately. An appeal may be made under the under the Complaints and Dispute resolutions procedure.
The Administrator will file a report to the National secretary once a month on work done and hours taken to carry out the task. This will be forwarded to Delegate Council. A failure to do so will be result in an automatic warning. These reports will form part of the report and recommendations to National Conference.
Updated June 2011