
From a WSM leaflet

Loughlinstown 24-hour A&E due to reduce hours on 1st Novemeber


This is a version of the text of a leaflet distributed by the Save Loughlinstown A&E Campaign.
For a longer analysis of the health system from the WSM please see our pamhlet "Towards a Cure" :

St.Collumcilles 24-hour A&E in Loughlinstown due to close on 1st of November:
Don't let it happen!

Why we don't welcome the visit of the British Queen


The British Queen - An enemy of the working class, an enemy of the poor, head of the imperialist British state, symbol of privilege, inequality and oppression.

The visit: why now?
There is a drive to normalise the British occupation of the six counties and partition. It is part of a wider pattern to integrate Ireland into the loose alliance of imperialist nations. There has always been a desire on behalf of the British state, the USA and the European Union to engage Ireland as a junior partner in the imperialist club. The ending of the war in the north and the gradual normalisation of relations between Britain and Ireland has allowed an acceleration of this process. The visit of Britain's Queen Elizabeth is all part of it.

Students! Our education is under attack!


Every year the so called “free education” that is our right, costs us more and more. If the proposed rise in registration fees goes ahead , it will mean many currently enrolled in college will have to drop out and college will simply not be an option for many of the next generation of potential students. All because the politicians are attempting to make the public pay for the mistakes of a small class of wealthy individuals. Many of us are up to our necks in debt, many more live in poverty. Due to the economic downturn, the job prospects when we graduate are poor and those of us lucky enough to find work will be taxed heavily to pay the banks’ and speculators’ debts.

IBEC dinner protest - Let’s talk about socialism


A few hundred people took part in a protest last night at the Mansion house in Dublin where the Taoiseach Brian Cowen was going to dinner with the organisation of the domestic section of the capitalist class that instructs him. As various bosses and Cowen went into the venue protected by ranks of Gardai, with the riot squad on standby outside the back entrance of Anglo Irish Bank and mounted police across the road, they were jeered by the crowd with shouts of 'thieves', 'robbers' and 'scum.'

Dublin Anarchist Bookfair poster & leaflet PDF's


The Dublin anarchist bookfair will take place 29th May in Liberty hall.  Below are PDF files of the bookfair poster and a leaflet that you can print out and display / distribute to help with the promotion of the bookfair.

International Anarchist Mayday statement


Today as in the past, May Day means respect for mobilizations throughout the world by workers who suffer, at times even paying with their lives, for the sake of their struggles to improve the condition of men and women who labour under the control of capitalism.

Anti-education cuts leafet to distribute


As part of the growing struggle against education cuts WSM branches have produced a leaflet that is being distributed by anarchists who study or work across the education sector. We’re working together to build a democratic and open campaign that can fight education cuts, challenge the imposition of fees and push to improve access to, and quality of, education. You can help by downloading the leaflet and distributing it at education protests or at local schools and colleges.

The economic crash and the attack on education


The world seems about to end. The markets are convulsing, the banks are tumbling, the entire island is about to become some sort of black hole off the coast of Europe.

Never fear though, we’ve got a brilliant political establishment to shepherd us through the economic wilderness, and in the Budget on Tuesday 14th they revealed their master-plan, carefully crafted, as Mary Hanafin said, to ‘protect the vulnerable’. Unfortunately, it seems like they’ve got a different understanding of who exactly ‘the vulnerable’ in Irish society are.

Thousands of Students Protest against Fees


On Wednesday 22 October, something over 10,000 students marched in the centre of Dublin to protest the proposed introduction of fees. The student members and supporters of the WSM were in attendance and distributed thousands of leaflets which discussed the origins of the attack and argued that students will need to build a mass movement across the education sector to defend and improve equality of access to education.



毫無疑問,在日本與其他世界所有的地方一樣存在兩個充滿矛盾的境界相衝突著。一邊是八國集團, 地球上最強大的政府們。加拿大,法國,德國,日本,英國,意大利,俄羅斯和美國。另一邊是其他成千上萬的普通百姓,這些普通百姓們很大部分是這些國家的公民。


八國集團首腦會議將計劃的指示國際貨幣基金( IMF )和世界銀行,會以通過“結構調整方案”再次削減更多花在的教育和保健的經費。據trocaire “南撒哈拉非洲每天仍然需要支付3,700萬美元的債款,因為強大的負債缺少資源,同時間每年有 7百萬兒童死亡” 。這就是八國集團主導的新自由主義(或自由市場)專政的結果。

在1998年,世界20 %的人口生活在最高收入國家裡,其消費支出佔了全世界的86 %,而世界人口中最貧窮的20 %,其消費支出只佔了全世界的1.3 %。而這樣的情況只是越來越糟,在30年前,最窮的20 %人口的總消費事實上佔了2.3 % 。

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