Anarchism And The WSM

Among our activities over the summer was a day of discussions about the role of women in revolutionary politics. About 60 women and men debated the experience of women in movements as diverse as the 1916 Rising and the 1930’s Spanish anarchist ‘Free Women’ organisation.

Jointly with anarchist gig organisers, Porco Dio, the WSM organised a fundraiser for the Israeli group ‘Anarchists Against the Wall’. A young anarchist had been shot by Israeli forces during a protest against the construction of the so-called ‘Separation Fence’ in Palestine. Matan Cohen, 17, was seriously wounded when he was shot in the face with a rubber bullet by Israeli Border Police at Bil’in, in the occupied West Bank. Thanks to Emcee Lynx (from the USA), plus Disfunktional, Project 77 and the WSM’s own DJ Krossphader.

Another fundraiser was by the WSM’s May 1st branch in Dublin. A pub quiz took in €346.60 for the three anti-war protesters who were fined following a demonstration outside the Irish Air Corps HQ at Baldonnel.

The August bank holiday weekend saw WSM members from Derry, Cork and Dublin travel to Mayo for a gathering at the Rossport Solidarity Camp, to express solidarity with the local community in their fight against Shell and share ideas about strengthening the campaign to make the multinational giant build their refinery offshore.

During the Israeli attack on the Lebanese people we took part in demonstrations against the slaughter and destruction. Unlike some of the left, we see no need to take sides between the racist Israeli state and Islamic religious authoritarians.
Neither is any friend of working people and liberty. As Alan MacSimoin of the WSM said at an earlier protest against the visit to Dublin of the British HMS Ocean warship, “Let us also begin taking concrete initiatives to assist the progressive, secular and trade union forces who oppose both the occupation and the terrorism of the anti-woman and anti-freedom religious bigots”.

The Workers Solidarity Movement is an organisation of working class anarchists who have come together to maximise the impact of anarchist ideas. Pooling the resources of many people allows us to distribute over 6,000 copies of this paper every two months, and 1,000 copies of our twice yearly magazine, Red & Black Revolution. It allows us to discuss the best ways to advance working class interests, and prioritise particular activities rather than be so widely dispersed as to have little effect.

Anarchism is still a small force in Ireland, but a start has been made. If you want to find out more, get in touch with us.

From Workers Solidarity 93, Sept/Oct 2006

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