
Articles from the WSM paper Workers Solidarity

Workers Solidarity 96 - March/April 2007


The March/April 2007 issue of Workers Solidarity is now online and can be downloaded as a PDF file.

Public Health not Private Wealth
Water Tax:Northern parties united in collusion,
Spring clean shell out of Erris
Your money or your life?
Thats capitalism - WS96
Anarchism and the WSM
Partnership delivers more work for less pay
Thinking about anarchism: Exploitation
Fianna Fail to Perform Miracle of Full Employment
15 Years After the X-Case Bertie Still Lies About Abortion
Sinn Fein Learn to Love the Police
There’s no such thing as a ‘free’ computer

Download the PDF of Workers Solidarity 96

Sinn Fein Learn to Love the Police


There was no surprise when Sinn Fein voted to support the PSNI, the republican leadership does not usually put anything to a vote unless they are already pretty sure of the result. This does not mean they found it easy, it was a bitter pill for them to swallow. The IRA used to shoot cops and the cops used to shoot them. Now they have to ask their supporters to assist the PSNI, even join them.

15 Years After the X-Case Bertie Still Lies About Abortion


There will be no change in the law on abortion. A Government spokesman said it had "no plans on the general issue of abortion" despite Bertie Ahern's promise before the last general election that the matter would be addressed.

Fianna Fail to Perform Miracle of Full Employment


Seamus Brennan is a little man in many ways, but one thing he dislikes is not being in the limelight. So in this election year, the Social Affairs minister has decided to drive the last 150,000 people from the live register of the unemployed. Like some figure from the old testament Seamie will perform the miracle of full employment to prove his worth, He will drive the unemployed into the arms of the awaiting super exploitative bosses.

What is Exploitation? Thinking about Anarchism


Exploitation is an easy enough concept to grasp. It is essentially, when someone does not receive the full returns to their labour. That is when they do not receive the full benefit from their activities.

Partnership delivers more work for less pay in UCD


Irish Universities are increasingly seeing their primary role as being that of a moneymaking corporation rather than centres of education and knowledge. This isn't too good for the vast majority of students but it also is bad news for most of the workers in the colleges as well.

Anarchism and the WSM in early 2007


As well as taking part in local and national demonstrations in support of the Rossport residents, about 20 WSM members participated in the mass trespass of Shell's Mayo construction site on February 16th. This marks a step forward for the Shell To Sea campaign because it recognises that lobbying politicians is not enough, when you are continually lied to or brushed off you have to take action yourself.

Thats capitalism - WS96


Slaving your life away just so you can make ends meet; having no say in the major decisions that affect your life; criminal politicians and businessmen plundering the country. Try to do something about it and they'll lock you up. Yes..

Cronic state of Irish health system


In January 2005, Michael X, a courier driver, went to see his GP complaining of recurrent diarrhoea and passing some blood. Following an examination, his GP sent a letter to arrange for an appointment with a gastro-enterologist for specialist assessment. His appointment arrived in the post - he could see the consultant in July, six months later.

Spring clean shell out of Erris


The Shell to Sea campaign has already kicked back into gear in the new year, motivated that 2007 will finally be the year when Shell is forced to refine the gas offshore. It would be wrong, however, to think that the holiday season has been a quiet, relaxing time for the community of Rossport threatened with the dangerous pipeline.

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