Protest in Newbridge, Co. Kildare against water charge


Over 2000 people marched in Newbridge, Co. Kildare in the lashing rain today to protest the government's plans to force us to pay twice for our water. The march gathered at 2pm at the top of the town, near the hotel Keadeen and then proceeded to make its way down towards the town hall.

More people joined the march even as it was moving down the town and the marchers were greeted by cars and buses beeping their horns in support. A fantastic variety of placards (and umbrellas) made the march a colourful one and the chants of 'Can't pay, won't pay!' were heard all the way through the town. Despite the rubbish weather, spirits were high with sporadic cheering and applause taking place when support was expressed from passing cars.


The Scrap Water Charges Kildare group who organised the protest had arranged for a truck and sound system which was in place at the town hall when everyone arrived. Speakers lambasted the government and their plans for our water and urged continued resistance to both. After the speeches the assembled crowd burned their Irish Water letters and were treated to a bit of music from former Druids members, which was well received.

Considering the weather, this was a very successful protest march and all who turned out clearly showed their determination to defeat the government on this issue.

If you are from Newbridge or county Kildare, be sure to seek out and join your local anti-water charges group. There are several groups actively campaigning in county Kildare, most of whom have worked together in the past and are experienced campaigners. So don't pay the charge. Organise and protest, and we can defeat this unjust charge!