
Dublin: Protest - Stop the Bailouts. End The Dictatorship The Markets


Workers Solidarity Movement has called for support for the national protest against the Bank Bailouts and "the dictatorship of the markets" which will take place on Saturday 26th June (1:00p.m. Central Bank Plaza, Dame Street).

We urge everyone who is opposed to the government strategy of making ordinary people pay for the financial crisis to attend this protest and make your voice heard, joining with protests across the EU. 

Dublin: Restaurant workers protest



Low Wage Restaurant Workers Protest Wage Attacks at Restaurant Association of Ireland’s Gala Dinner.

Wednesday, 9 June
Start: 6pm. End: 7:30pm
Burlington Hotel, Upper Leeson St, Dublin

Radio report from the Toyosi's Shitabbey Solidarity Rally for Friends and Family


People gathered at the Garden of Remberance on the 10th of April - to support the family of Toyosi Shitta-bey, a 15 year old boy who died after being attacked on Good Friday.  People were there to send out a message that racist attacks have no place in the Irish society that we want, and that this should never happen again.

Launch of Irish Anarchist Review - audio


The first copies of this new publication were distributed as Gardai attacked the Anglo Irish bank occupationon Saturday 15th May and then attempted to stop the anti-capitalist bloc march on Tuesday 18th May but this was the formal launch of the new WSM magazine Irish Anarchist Review. Much of the content of the magazine looks at the fight against the capitalist crisis in the workplace. Authors & editors introduce the articles followed by some questions about the new format.

Connolly Shoes Strike - Two more strikers fired


Two more workers have been fired in the Connolly Shoes strike which was recently granted 'all out strike' status by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU).  The four workers now dismissed have over 100 years service to the company between them and have been dismissed for refusing to sign a document in effect agreeing to accept any conditions imposed by management.  The strike is now in its 9th week with management refusing to enter into talks at the Labour Relations Commission.

Dub - Flotilla Deportees to Speak at Mass Demonstration March


The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) has called a mass demonstration for 2pm this Saturday in Dublin at which the Freedom Flotilla deportees will speak. The demonstration will assemble at 2pm at the Garden of Remembrance and from there will march to the Department of Foreign Affairs on St. Stephen's Green.

Right to Work protest fails to bring out the numbers


Just over 300 people took part in the SWP's Right to Work demonstration last night. This was a considerable drop in numbers from the first two demonstrations which saw around 1000 take part and last weeks which saw 600 or more march. This is despite the massive postering effort that had gone into the march. James O'Toole of the SWP said from the stage that 30 people had been involved in postering the city. There was certainly an impressive quantity of posters up all the way out to the canals and beyond. 

Thousands demonstrate in Dublin against Israeli attack on Freedom Flotilla


Over two thousand people took to the streets of Dublin last night to protest the bloody attack by the Israeli military on the Freedom flotilla to Gaza which left between 9 and 19 people dead and dozens injured. The assembled crowd heard that least five people from Ireland were now in an Israeli jail awaiting trial for refusing to co-operate with being deported from a country they had been brought to against their will, after their ships were hijacked by the heavily armed pirates of the IDF.

'Time to make the wealthy pay' - speech by Gregor Kerr at Anti Capitalist Bloc protest



We are here tonight outside Anglo Irish Bank to deliver a strong and clear message to the cabal of bankers, speculators and developers and their political friends who have brought this country to the brink of economic ruin.  That message as I said is very simple and very straightforward – ‘They didn’t share the wealth, We aren’t going to share the pain. Make the wealthy pay’.

Hundreds demonstrate in support of Connolly Shoes strikers in Dun Laoghaire


The Mandate Trade Union reported that hundreds joined the rally it had called for lunchtime today in Dun Laoghaire in support of Connolly Shoes workers who have been on strike for almost two months.

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