
WSM condemn Gardai tactics at May 18 2010 anti-capitalist bloc protest


As the march moved away from Stephen’s Green, it was met with an aggressive and heavy handed police response. As the three hundred or so demonstators attempted to move onto the road to march to Anglo Irish Bank, Gardai on foot and horses moved in to prevent the march from commencing.

Afternoon of the Anglo Irish Bank protest, after the arrests


About 100 people were gathered outside this infamous bank, Anglo Irish Bank, on St. Stephens green by the time I'd arrived. I had already been informed of the fact that 7 members of Eirigi had been arrested after occupying the building from early morning. The Gardai had sprung into action and decided to clear out the occupation and they'd done that with the brute force that's become a bit of a speciality over the last few years.

Dub: Anti Capitalist bloc for Dail protest


Last Tuesday Gardai used extendable steel batons against the heads of protesters trying to enter the Dail carpark resulting in at least five head injuries. On Saturday they again attacked an occupation of Anglo Irish Bank by eirigi. We've seen the state react in a similar fashion to resistance in Rossport, Mayday 2004 and Reclaim the Streets. It's time to say Enough.

Follow the WSM from protest live on Twitter

Gardai violently attack eirigi occupation of Anglo Irish bank


Gardai have again attacked campaigners protesting at the bank bailouts this time with batons and dogs. This morning around 7am four people got onto on the overhang of Anglo irish Bank and chained themselves together with a banner read that read 'People of Ireland Rise Up.' In the last half hour a force of some 50 police, secret police and dogs attacked them and their supporters on the ground with batons, fists and feet. At least six were arrested as a melee broke out on Dawson street.

Radio Solidarity is now on Facebook


Radio Solidarity is on Facebook

So please feel free to go there, make friends with us and keep in the loop with events.

We hope to commence posting up full interviews from our third program over this weekend, we had some technical difficulties prior to this.

Dublin Anarchist Bookfair poster & leaflet PDF's


The Dublin anarchist bookfair will take place 29th May in Liberty hall.  Below are PDF files of the bookfair poster and a leaflet that you can print out and display / distribute to help with the promotion of the bookfair.

Scuffles at gates of Dail in response to bank bailouts


Around a thousand people marched through Dublin tonight to protest against the bail out of the banks. When the march reached the gates of the Dail a group went through the gates where they were attacked by Gardai with batons.

Dublin: In a globalised world does imperialism still matter? - Rethinking Revolution 4


Does it exist today? Did it ever exist? Or does it not matter because we all suffer under capitalism. In this discussion Finbar Dwyer looks at imperialism and whether its a useful way to look at society and oppression in 21st century. May 19th at 18.30 in Seomra Sprao

Dublin anarchist bookfair weekend


The annual Dublin anarchist bookfair takes place in Liberty hall on Saturday 29th May.  There will probably be related events on the 28th, evening of the 29th and perhaps on the 30th.  See the Anarchist bookfairs page for more details.

Taking back our time - 3rd Rethinking Revolution discussion


Aileen O'Carroll draw on the stories and diaries of those working in IT company’s to talk about the secrets and contradictions of working in a global industry. The myth is that IT workers happily work a 60 hour week but like workplaces of a previous era, there is a struggle over the nature of work and the length of working time within our lives. The left tends to focus on the formal visible struggles conducted through trade unions. What can this other level of often individualised struggle teach us in the fight for a new world?

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