
Dublin march against cutbacks in community services


"As part of SIPTU's campaign a major protest is being organised against the critical underfunding in the sector and the savage cuts proposed by Colm McCarthy’s “Bord Snip Nua” report.

"We are encouraging all workers, activists and communities to make every effort to show you support on:

Wednesday 30th September
Parnell Square, Dublin 1

Demonstration in support of arrested Thomas Cooke workers


Demonstration at Four Courts at 1p.m., Tuesday 4th August

March to support Dublin port strikers


Show your support for the MTL strikers

Monday August 10th: gather at 10.30am at either
Ray's Shop, Sean Moore Road, Ringsend
Seabank bar, East Wall Road

We will join up at the East Link bridge and then march together to support the strikers at the MTL depot.

Organised by the Dublin Port Workers Support Group

Howard Zinn's "Marxs in Soho" - Dublin


Seomra Spraoi is proud to present the Irish dates of Howard Zinn's "Marx in Soho". Having travelled much of Europe this is your chance to see Jerry Levy perform this timely, witty and reflective one person play.

I hope you get as excited as we are.

Dublin Shell to Sea protest at Green party convention


The Green party are holding a special convention on the Programme for Government and the Lisbon Treaty this Saturday. The convention is on in the Hilton hotel at Charlemont Place, Dublin 2.
Dublin Shell to Sea are holding a protest outside the convention at 1 o clock.

Protest 1 o clck at the Hilton Hotel in Charlemont Dublin2 (hotel marked by the H)

Dublin: Distro and Stall at GPO


The Lucy Parsons branch of the Workers Solidarity Movement will have a stall at the GPO on O'Connell St., Dublin at 2.30pm on Saturday 18th July.

Dublin: Anarchist militia veteran of Spanish revolution speaks


Roma was in Barcelona during the generals' revolt of 19 July, 1936,
when he joined the POUM with his brothers and fought in Aragon
till the POUM were supressed, when his unit transferred to the Anarchists.

Dublin: Organizing the Digital Assembly Line: Labour’s Resistance in the Call Centre


Low pay. High stress. Constant surveillance. Here one day and
outsourced the next. Call centre work has exploded in the last 20
years, but delivers precarious and highly exploitative jobs.

Honduras: Whats happening? Dublin


Public Talk by José Antonio Gutiérrez (Research and Development Officer of the Latin American Solidarity Centre)

Wednesday 15th July

Seomra Spraoi

10 Belvidere Court, Dublin 1

Starts 7.30,

Dublin: "Real Life' Rally


Counter demonstration against anti-choice march through Dublin this Saturday supported by Choice Ireland, RAG, Lash Back, other feminists, friends and allies

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