
Class War: Household Charges to Rise as Millionaires Multiply by 40% in 5 Years


Recent studies in the North have shown that the rich really are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer.

It is no secret that household charges are set to rise due to ongoing “austerity” measures by Capitalist governments.

Today, research from PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers accountancy firm) indicated that households in the North will be hit hardest in the UK by this rise in charges.

Even if you wrapped the DUP in a Rainbow Flag they would still be the most hateful people to exist


For the first time in the history of the Northern Irish state a majority of MLAs have voted in favour of Marriage Equality. The motion, however, has fallen due to the DUP launching a Petition of Concern which blocks any passing of the motion to law.

Voting against the motion - as 52 politicians did - is one thing, but guaranteeing its failure in spite of a winning majority vote reveals the homophobic, bigoted and bitter nature of the DUP.

100 years after 1916 will the Irish state recognising Traveller ethnicity


2016 is fast approaching and we will be subjected to endless documentaries about that start of our bloody history as a nation. It will also be a time for analysis of how far we’ve come since the proclamation of this Republic.

In the proclamation there are lines which are aspirational, but grounded in the reality of experience of the rebels.
“The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.”

Help fund Medical support/solidarity with refugees forced to cross the sea to Lesvos


As the massive rebellion against the racist borders of Fortress Europe rolls from Spring through the Summer to Autumn & now Winter conditions are becoming very much more dangerous. According to Al Jazerra since the photos of the drowned today of Alan Kurdi shocked so many into action at least another 71 children have died on the route.

Tens of thousands are still on the road, many are even now attempting the crossing from Turkey to Lesvos, a crossing that becomes more dangerous as storms increase. Others are camped out in cold and wet conditions along the route while at Calais the death toll of those hit by cars and lorries contain use to rise.

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Barricade Inn - statement ahead of High Court case


The Barricade Inn is up in the High Court today as a legal firm seek to evict one of the most interesting spaces to grace Dublin city centre in the last months. Whether the courts find for a group of people with no funds or a law company will tell you a lot about the sort of country you live in. A country where thousands are homeless while 300,000 homes lie empty.  The video was shot outside yesterday evening as we helped to move materials inside to a secure location ahead of the court hearing.  The statement that follows was released by The Barricade Inn yesterday.

An Anti-Abortion "Healthcare" Clinic Opening in Belfast


Could you really trust someone who claims to be "Pro-Life" when their concern for you is only there when you are in the womb?

An anti-choice clinic is due to open in Belfast City Centre tomorrow, the 13th of October. The Stanton Clinic has as its vision "to close the doors of Marie Stopes" - Marie Stopes which, alongside the NHS, performs abortions when they fit the very restrictive legal criteria, along with other sexual health services.

Anti-Abortion Stanton Clinic Opens Above Travel Agency in Belfast


An estimated 15 people travel from the island of Ireland every day in order to access an abortion. Yesterday, an anti-choice clinic opened in Belfast City Centre in the same building as a travel agents, something that shows the pure contempt, malice and disregard that the anti-choice zealots hold towards women and other pregnant people.

Dublin protests in solidarity with those targeted by Ankara bombing in Turkey


People gathered outside the Turkish embassy in Dublin last night to take part in a solidarity protest of remembrance for the 100 plus people killed in the bombing of a peace rally in Ankara on Saturday. 

Renua exposed as yet another party for the super wealthy


It's not really a secret to anyone paying attention but Renua have really blown their cover with their pre-budget submission. Far from being any sort or radical departure they are yet another party for the wealthiest 1% who have been plundering our labour with the aid of every previous government.

As Michael Taft explains "Renua has called for a flat-rate tax. It represents a massive transfer from the lowest income groups to the highest income groups. It will require low and middle income groups to fund not only their own tax cuts but even higher tax cuts for those on much higher incomes.
... they want to cut inheritance tax to 20 percent while raising thresholds to €500,000. Someone inheriting €1 million would gain over €150,000."

Solidarity with Jamaica to UK's “keep your prison, give us schools, give us infrastructure, not prisons”.


In case you missed it, David Cameron does not believe that reparations or even apologies are the right approach when dealing with the legacy of the enslavement of the Jamaican people at the hands of British Imperialism.

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