
Aughoose farmer arrested for opposing Shell in Mayo


Early yesterday morning, Mayo farmer Gerry Bourke was arrested by Gardaí  at his home in Aughoose, Co. Mayo.  He was held for 6 hours at Belmullet Garda station before being charged with criminal damage and trespass at Shell's tunneling compound at Aughoose.

To be watched, inspected, spied upon - Shell's law in Erris


Shell to Sea campaigner Naoise Ó Mongáin asking Garda to stop videotaping his grand daughter during a protest at Shell's refinery on Saturday.


Garda use violence & arrests to suppress Rossport protests


Yesterday five people were arrested by the Garda as violence was used to break up protests against the continued imposition of an experimental gas pipeline on the community by Shell. In the morning 30 Garda blocked the entrance of Rossport Solidarity Camp and then arrested 2 Shell to Sea campaigners who were trying to access the public road. During these arrests Garda behaviour was described as "very violent" by an eyewitness we talked to.

Vibrant protest outside Enda's office in Castlebar against cuts to SNAs

Just under 100 people, both parents and children with special needs and their supporters, took part in a vibrant protest today against cuts to SNAs (Special Needs Assistants) in Castlebar, Co. Mayo outside Taoiseach Enda Kenny's constituency office. The protest was called despite a u-turn by Minister Ruairi Quinn on recent plans to withhold 500 additional teaching posts in schools which were required to cope with the growing number of children in the education system who need support.

Rossport - Spy cameras & pirates


Day 3 (Monday) of the week of action against Shell in Erris  saw more spy cameras on the perimeter of the Shell compound at Aughoose destroyed overnight & anti-Shell slogans was painted on the walls and gates. During the day itself a Shell survery boat was successfully blockaded by Shell to Sea Kayaks although a couple of Kayaks were dragged along by the boat and capsized.

Right wing students try & scab on transport strike in Stockholm but defeated by counter action - UPDATED


So this morning, a strike by Stockholm’s bus drivers union Kommunal began in protest against pay cuts and the lack of security in new contracts for workers. Seems like a legitimate grievance? Not according to the right wing Swedish students group, Fria Moderata Studentförbundet (FMSF), who have decided to attempt to break the strike. Or more accurately, to troll ordinary people trying to stand up for themselves and their families livelihoods by driving mini-buses on two of the routes.


Guest Writer: EM

Shell compound breached, equipment destroyed in 2nd day of action


The second day of the week of action saw an unexpected success when Shell to Sea campaigners managed to breach Shells fortified compound and force security to retreat to the inner compound.  While this happened much of the equipment, in particular the spy cameras, in  the outer compound was damaged or destroyed

Shell pipeline construction preparations destroyed in direct action in Erris


This morning around 50 Shell to Sea campaigners kicked off the Week of Action against Shell's experimental high pressure gas pipe in Erris by tearing up the bog road Shell has laid as part of its attempt to finish the pipeline.  They also destroyed the sandbag dam that Shell were attempting to build across part of the estuary in order to be able to work on the pipeline route regardless of the tides.  This was accomplished in full view of about 15 security from IRMS - the security company hired by Shell to repress protest.

Fermanagh G8: Capitalist Smoke Screen and Mirrors


Monday's Anti-G8 march and rally through Enniskillen should undoubtedly be viewed as a huge success by everyone who attended it. Giving the fact of how the media, both the press and television, has played a full role in subjecting the population to weeks of sensationalist scare stories, it was a surprise that anyone even left their homes on Monday as the G8 leaders flew into Fortress Fermanagh.

Greetings from sunny Mayo! - Rossport Solidarity Camp Update June 2013


The camp is open! - We'd planned to have the camp completed to welcome you all back on the 21st of June, but thanks to some great preparation work the camp is up ahead of time. Throughout June there has almost daily actions against Shell, mostly blocking haulage to Glengad.

Read on for latest news & upcoming events. The main message is that the camp is open and there are loads of different ways you can help - spread the word  and come on over!

June Week of Action
Arrests, prison support, court
Shell work update & actions
Donal's Play

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