
Shell 'safety' boat sinks kayak while detaining others on Broadhaven Bay


On 16th June Shell began the operation to lay an umbilical from landfall at Glengad to the Corrib Gas field. At 5pm, six kayakers from Rossport Solidarity Camp entered the waters of Broadhaven Bay, in order to protest against the imposition of the Corrib Gas project on the local community. The protest marks the beginning of two weeks of action against the project.

Sleepless in Istanbul


I have been in Istanbul for 16 hours, but already there is more to tell than I have the time to write. The purpose of the following blog is not to provide an in-depth analysis of the events that have lead up to the present situation in which I find myself, nor to provide a detailed scholarly analysis of the political, social and economic superstructure to which these events relate (one can find such things elsewhere and in time I intend to contribute to this), rather the purpose of this blog is to provide sporadic updates, quotes, interviews, links and images from the front lines of the as of yet unsatisfactorily termed 'Turkish Summer'.

Dublin demonstration in solidarity with Gezi Istanbul


An emergency demonstration of some 150 people took place in Dublin Saturday afternoon in Solidarity with those under police repression in Turkey.  Check the WSM twitter for the latest updates from Istanbul and see our Fackbook album of the Dublin Solidarity demonstration.


Report back from Dublin meeting on Croke Park - your opinions?


On the 8th of May the WSM held a meeting in Dublin on the Croke Park No Vote.  A 3rd 'deal' has since been announced and we will be arguing for a No vote on that deal but we want to invite our readers to look at the notes below and to post comments on what they think is the way to defeat the attempts by the union leaders and government to impose these cuts in one way or the other.  The meeting was divided into discussion tables with the people attending moving between the discussions at these tables and a WSM member taking notes of the discussion, these are the notes below.

Hidden costs of the Fermanagh G8 run beyond millions spent policing protest


The Security budget for the Fermanagh G8 operation, to encompass cities in Northern Ireland, including buildings, phone lines and whatever else may be deemed a ‘Security risk’, will add many millions to the already astronomical security budget .  There is £3.8 million for drones and £1.3 million for pop up hotels for the 2,500 extra Officers already drafted in.  The additional cost of subsistence and logistics involved in PSNI guarding 208 empty buildings in Belfast from a mythical anarchist plan to occupy them is no more than a ridiculous attempt to scare anyone who is against the G8 Summit. These sort of stories in the media are intended to thwart any attempts to allow for freedom protest.   The supposed economic gains of pantomime are alleged longer term investment that will be brought to the province in the way of business for some hotels! But the less visible costs include the cost of the loss of earnings for local residents for the three days of the summit, the road closures and disruption to people’s lives and privacy.

650,000 Homes STILL Not Paying Unjust Tax


In spite of a long and consistent campaign which has been waged against people in relation to the imposition of this unjust and unfair tax on homes, over 650,000 households have not registered with revenue [22.05.2013].  Draconian legislation and the threats of fines has not resulted in people volunteering their information to the revenue.

Strike at Shanganagh Treatment Plant may have environmental impact


SIPTU members engaged in a second day of strike action at the Shanganagh Waste Water Treatment Plant, Co. Dublin, have expressed serious concern over the possible environmental impact of the dispute at the facility. The facility treats water for domestic and commercial purposes for 248,000 people living in Dublin and Wicklow. Workers believe that due to the current reduction in manning levels at the facility key processes, including the testing of water being discharged into Dublin Bay and the treatment of effluent stored in the plant, may become compromised.

Anarchists Condemn G8 Scaremongering - press release


In response to yesterday’s Irish News (Mon 20 May 2013) front page article, “Police to Occupy hundreds of vacant premises in Belfast during G8”, the Workers Solidarity Movement condemned security forces scaremongering in the media.

Property tax unnecessary if government taxed rich, corporations


Campaigners against the property tax have said that the tax, which is being boycotted by huge numbers of people, is “totally unnecessary” and that the government should scrap it “unless it is prepared for a major battle with an angry public.” “The government has claimed it hopes to raise €500million from the property tax,” said Gregor Kerr, spokesperson for the Campaign Against Home and Water Taxes (CAHWT). “But this is €500million that ordinary people – who have already suffered 5 years of austerity – simply don’t have.”

The development of anarchism in Sydney


A conversation with Sydney anarchist Sid, co-founder of the Jura books Collective on the history of anarchism in the city and how he became involved in the various phases of the movement. He describes the early debates, conferences and initial projects of opening bookshops and radical spaces. He talks a lot about Jura books whose formation and ongoing maintenance he is centrally involved with.

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