Migration / racism

East Europe Mediaactivist Gathering


The camp will take place from the 11th to the 20th of August 2007 in the main region of transit and labor migration in Ukraine: Transcarpathia.

Stop Great's Deportation


The case of Great Agbonlohar demonstrates once more the cruel and heartlesss nature of the Irish government’s deportation policy.

Anti deportation protest


A demo organised by Residents Against Racism in support of Great Agbonlohar and his right to stay in Ireland

Klasa bez Panstwa


Polish translation of WSM texts on immigrant workers

Broszura ta jest zbiorem publikacji WSM - WORKERS SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT, anarcho- komunistycznej organizacji zakorzenionej w tradycji "platformy". 

Dublin Demo in Support of Afghan Hunger Strikers


On Wednesday April 25th there will be a protest in support of the Afghan Hunger strikers outside Dail Eireann @ 12.30pm called by Residents Against Racism

Iranian exile on hunger strike in Dublin


A member of the Iranian Kurdish opposition is on hunger strike in a Dublin hostel to protest at being refused asylum in Ireland. On March 21st members of the Workers Solidarity Movement joined Kurdish exiles, Socialist Party TD Joe Higgins, Green TD Ciaran Cuffe, Sinn Fein TD Aengus O'Snodaigh and others at a protest outside the Dail organised by Residents Against Racism.

Racism and Immigrant Workers


In 1984, 11 workers in Dunnes Stores, Henry Street, went on strike as they refused to handle goods produced by the racist South African Apartheid Regime. The ten women and ond man stayed out for over 2 and a half years, and their courage inspired many people around the world.

Tesco eksploatuje cudzoziemców


Na przełomie lipca i sierpnia główne polskie media przedstawiły historie dwóch polskich pracowników zwolnionych z dublinskigo TESCO z powodu walki o prawa pracownicze. Pikiety zorganizowane przez Tymczasowy Komitet Obrony Robotników odbyły się w kilku miastach w Irlandii, Anglii i Polski. Polskie gazety nazwały to „globalną akcją przeciw Tesco!”. Jeden z wyrzuconych pracowników, Radek Sawicki opowiada nam o swojej walce z TESCO i jej konsekwencjami.

Głos jego pana


Rząd robiąc kozła ofiarnego z emigrantów zachęca rasistowskie zbiry

WSM remove (more) racist slogans in Cabra


Today, members of the WSM (May 1st Branch) removed racist slogans which had been painted along the canal in Cabra. What had read 'Polish scum out' now reads 'Racist scum out', and the nazi swastikas have been painted over.

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