
Articles from the WSM paper Workers Solidarity

1916: 90 Years on - Gombeen Nation


This Easter marks the ninetieth anniversary of the 1916 rising. There is an unedifying scrabble by every politician in the state to wrap the green flag around themselves and stake their claim to be the inheritors of the tradition.

Pat Rabbitte and Immigration


Labour leader Pat Rabbitte showed his opportunism when he called for a look at work visas for EU nationals. He raised the spectre of 40 million poles chasing “Irish Jobs”. It was a thoroughly disappointing turn by Labour but hardly surprising.

Anti War: Back to Basics


This March marks the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Everyday we see the result; bombings, killings, torture and other atrocities. There are no reliable estimates for those who have died but most put the figure at 100,000 or higher. It’s clear that the invasion didn’t help the people of Iraq and it is equally clear that the occupation is making the situation worse.

Workers Solidarity 91 - March/April 2006


The March/April 2006 issue of Ireland's anarchist paper - Workers Solidarity

[Download the PDF file of WS91]

Issues of Workers Solidarity in 2006


A listing of all the issues of Workers Solidarity published in 2006

Workers Solidarity 94, Nov/Dect [PDF file]

Workers Solidarity 93, Sept/Oct [PDF file]

Workers Solidarity 92, June/July [PDF file]

A Liberties student on the plan to move NCAD out of the area


Being a resident of the Liberties, getting accepted into the National College of Art and Design was a wonderful thing. Not only is it one of the top colleges of Ireland but it is a ten minute journey from my house each morning. NCAD has been one of the main landmarks of the Liberties since it moved there in 1980. However, if the plans of the college director go ahead it will be moving to the cultural wasteland of UCD's Belfield campus. The move to UCD is opposed by staff and students alike in both of the colleges.

Interview with Dublin anarchist bookfair organiser


The first Dublin anarchist bookfair is being held by the WSM in St Nicholas of Myra Hall in the heart of the Liberties, just off Francis Street on March 3rd and 4th. We interviewed Dermot, one of the organisers of the bookfair.

2 Years In Jail For Criticising Islam


Text of a letter recieved by the WSM from the Workers Communist Party

Swedish and Finnish Commuters Take Direct Action for Free Public Transport


In Stockholm, Gothenburg and Helsinki commuters are taking the initiative in the fight for decent, free public transportation. Here Oisín Mac Giollamóir interviews Anna from the campaign.

Anarchism and human nature


It is a very sincerely held belief by many people, that we are "naturally" greedy, rotten feckers and, in the absence of government, some mad form of capitalism would be inevitable

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