
The opinion of a WSM member. This piece has not been reviewed by any WSM editing body

You can't come in!! Looking after 'our own' millionaires first?


'Enda here ... We've a real immigration problem. Not enough multinationals are taking refuge in our tax haven'.

Cartoon of EU border guard pointing gun at drowning migrant

No we have no more room. No more room in Fortress Europe. This is the civilised world after all! And especially no more room in THIS country. That could be Ireland, or Germany, or France, or Greece, depending on who's speaking of course. But not HERE. Sorry but if those people wanted to have a decent life like the rest of us, they should have thought about that before being born on the wrong patch of planet Earth.

Eviction in Phibsboro - June 2015 - video & interview


This video shows the view from inside the house evicted on the last Tuesday evening June 2015 by a large gang of Garda in Dublin operating without a search warrant or eviction order.

To the 4,000: We say ‘you are not alone’ - March for Choice this Saturday

Ask yourself a question. A relative, a friend, a neighbour, a co-worker or a stranger on a bus comes to you and says that they were pregnant but exercised their right to choose and secured a termination. Would you then imprison them for 14 years?
If you wouldn’t jail someone for exercising their right to choose, then you might consider joining the 4th Annual March for Choice will take place in Dublin this Saturday, 26th September. The day marks the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. The march will assemble at the Garden of Remembrance from 1:30pm.

Refugees Welcome! Racists Out! Counter protest in Belfast


The Protestant Coalition has called for a "Protest against refugees/terrorists heading to the U.K" to be held in Belfast City centre on the 27th of September.

Homeless Direct action occupies DCC office in Coolock


A housing direct action is took place this morning (14 Sept) at the Dublin City Council (DCC) office in Bunratty Civic Centre, Coolock in Dublin. Mother’s and their children who are in need of housing occupied the offices in order to force the council to answer their questions. In particular they want to know why many people are discovering there isn’t even emergency accommodation available.

Some of the mothers are currently living in hotels or B&B's (which DCC pay for) with their kids while others are couch surfing in the homes of friends and relations. There are a huge number of ‘hidden homeless’ in such situations.

A critical view of the Refugees are Welcome Rally in Dublin


No Borders No Nation banner and Homes for all Refuge for all banners at GPO Dublin for Refugees are Welcome protestThe Refugees Welcome rally saw a good crowd assembled at the Spire in Dublin.  The rally was a response where people wanted to express their solidarity with the refugees who are attempting to escape war and death.  

Thanks to the work of a few volunteers WSM had some banners to bring to the Refugees are Welcome rally and march at the Spire on Saturday the 12th of September.  The banners were important to link up certain struggles.  One linked the appalling reaction to the social housing crisis by this government with their slow reaction to the humanitarian crisis on the edges of fortress Europe, which simply stated Homes for All, Refuge for All, and another which read No Borders No Nations. 

Racism against Irish refugees - we should know our own history


Cartoon showing racism against Irish Refugees during famine - simian featured refugee with whisky bottle and flaming brand on top if barrel of Gunpowder"As a housing activist who is seeing directly family after family evicted, fighting with them to stay in their homes, facing court to open up buildings and fighting more generally so that everyone has a home and housing is a right, I don't want to see housing and homeless used to attack refugees. We can help the homeless AND refugees. Get involved in housing and homeless groups, get involved in anti-racism groups, take down this government, tear down this racism, sexist, classist state."

Housing activist Seamus Farrell used this powerful image of anti Irish racism from the 19th century to remind us that the refugees fleeing Syria have far more in common with us than the billionaire's that run this county. He circulated it with the following text during the week

"We Have to Look After Our Own" - How to Make Generosity Mean


"We need to look after our own" is one of a family of phrases which are dangerous despite being superficially reasonable.

No, it's not just common sense and pragmatism. At root it is an expression of egotism, exclusion and callousness, although it worms its way into our minds by preying on our healthy desire to care for our family, friends, and other loved ones. One minute we want to care for someone close to us, the next minute we are parroting fascists.

On Their Nastiness and Ours - TV3’s People’s Debate with Vincent Browne & the water charges

We woke this morning to the shocking news that “Gardaí were called to Clontarf Castle in Dublin last night where a recording of TV3’s People’s Debate with Vincent Browne was taking place” [1]. We are informed that the television debate “descended into chaos as two Government ministers were jeered at by anti-water charge protesters” [2]. According to the Minister of State and Labour party TD Áodhan O Riordáin, it was “nasty stuff” [1] [2].

Reasons to March for Choice this September


September is a terrific month for you to become more involved in the struggle to make access to abortion in Ireland free, safe and legal.

The 4th Annual March for Choice will take place in Dublin on Saturday 26th September. This day marks the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion.
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