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The opinion of a WSM member. This piece has not been reviewed by any WSM editing body

Stormont, Petitions of Concern and Marriage Equality


The issue of Marriage Equality is to be debated for the fifth time in Stormont today (Nov 2nd).  Yet again, however, the DUP has launched a Petition of Concern to ensure that should the motion be successful its legal passing will be blocked.

The Petition of Concern is a funny old thing. Sometimes it works in our favour, like when it was used earlier this year to block the DUP’s “Conscience Clause”, a clause which would have effectively blocked LGBT+ people and Queers from certain parts of society under the guise of “religious freedom”.

100 years after 1916 will the Irish state recognising Traveller ethnicity


2016 is fast approaching and we will be subjected to endless documentaries about that start of our bloody history as a nation. It will also be a time for analysis of how far we’ve come since the proclamation of this Republic.

In the proclamation there are lines which are aspirational, but grounded in the reality of experience of the rebels.
“The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past.”

Three Years On, We Remember Savita Halappanavar


Today marks three years since the brutal and needless passing of Savita Halappanavar.


What Will Be The Next Thing That Stormont Faces Collapse Over?

Last December, after weeks of intensive talks the executive finally agreed upon the Stormont House Agreement, an Agreement that was primarily about economic reasons but needed to use the traditional technique of divide and conquer by throwing in sectarian issues such as flags and marches.

Report Confirms What Dogs On The Street Have Always Known: The IRA Still Exists


A 'shocking' report which was revealed yesterday confirmed to us what we already knew: the IRA still exists.

30 Queer Men Turned Down to Donate Blood - End the Gay Blood Ban!


During the rise of HIV and Hepatitis B in the 70s and 80s the UK Government enforced a blanket ban on men who have sex with men donating blood.

In 2011 this ban was changed slightly - the ban would only last a year after a man had sex with another man, meaning that if any queer men wanted to donate blood they would have to abstain from sex with men for a year.

An Anti-Abortion "Healthcare" Clinic Opening in Belfast


Could you really trust someone who claims to be "Pro-Life" when their concern for you is only there when you are in the womb?

An anti-choice clinic is due to open in Belfast City Centre tomorrow, the 13th of October. The Stanton Clinic has as its vision "to close the doors of Marie Stopes" - Marie Stopes which, alongside the NHS, performs abortions when they fit the very restrictive legal criteria, along with other sexual health services.

Anti-Abortion Stanton Clinic Opens Above Travel Agency in Belfast


An estimated 15 people travel from the island of Ireland every day in order to access an abortion. Yesterday, an anti-choice clinic opened in Belfast City Centre in the same building as a travel agents, something that shows the pure contempt, malice and disregard that the anti-choice zealots hold towards women and other pregnant people.

The Northern NAMA Scandal - a look at the shadowy world of Project Eagle


Project Eagle, or Nama's northern portfolio, was landed in March 2014 by American private investment firm, Cerberus. If this sale has done anything, it has proven that good old fashioned political and economic corruption is not an exclusively American affair.

Nama, oftentimes referred to as the south's "bad bank" - as if there are any good ones - was set up in late 2009 as an attempt by the southern government to try and deal with the property loans issued by Irish banks.

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