
The Unions, Democracy and Iraq


When it became clear to the Bush administration that weapons of mass destruction would not be found a tactical decision was made. The new focus of the invasion and occupation would be the "liberation of Iraq" and the creation of a "democratic state" as a model for the middle east. Unless "democratic state" means technocratic oligarichy willing to ally themselves with US interests in exchange for power, then one must thouroughly reject the veracity of this new focus.

Irish Political Policing Continues


Recent arrests of protestors, both north and south of the border, has shown that political policing is alive and well within our society. 

That's Capitalism WS98


Workers at Aer Lingus are being told to accept worsening conditions and low pay rises. This does not apply to the man who who does the telling, chief executive Dermot Mannion. Last year he was paid a massive €982,000.

Anarchism and the WSM


The Southern general election saw six parties make it to the Dail. Five of them were open to coalition with any of the others, the PDs being willing to share power with anyone except Sinn Fein. They all looked for votes on the basis that they would be better managers of the present system.

An Post Staff to be Dumped in Deregulation?


An Post workers have been on the receiving end of a series of substantial blows which have held down pay rates and undermined rights with regard to status. The late 1970’s and early 1980’s saw strikes and protests by the workers to improve conditions, but recent years have seen management back on the offensive. The latest attack comes in the shape of “deregulation”, just another word for privatisation. If it isn’t stopped it’s going to impact on all of us for the worse.

Chilean Timber Workers Union wins 52% wage rise


The Building and Wood Workers’ International reported, earlier this summer, the end of a strike of more than 7,000 workers against CAC – the largest forestry and pulp producing company in Chile.

The Chilean Timber Workers Union won a raise in wages of 12% for the highest earners and a 52% rise for the lowest earners. All other demands had been met prior to the strike, which was called in response to the company's offer of a 5% raise.

WSM website blocked by China's rulers


Among the many sites blocked in China is this one.

Such is the fear that the mighty proletarian anarchist movement of Ireland strikes into the hearts of despots everywhere, that the Chinese government have blocked our site, retreated under the kitchen table and are now crying for their mammies.

Account of protest and arrest at Heilegendamm, Germany G8 summit 2007


A member of the WSM travelled to the protests against the G8 in Heilegendamm, Germany July 2007. He reports on the actions that were taken and then on his arrest and mistreatment.

The Build-Up - 2nd June 2007

We travelled to Rostock on one of the 30 buses going from Hamburg. When we arrived the city was awash with people and also a gargantuan police presence. We made our way to the starting point of the rally in which the anarchist block was due to march, the second rally being composed more so of NGOs and political parties. After an hour or so of boring speeches and the monotone gloom of David Rovics, the march set off.

Report of Justice for Terence Wheelock Protest


Over 500 people came out to support the Justice for Terence Wheelock Campaign on Saturday, June the 9th.

Belfast Anarchist Bookfair 2007


Belfast Anarchist Bookfair
12 - 6 pm
Saturday 1st September.
at the Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre
45/47 Donegall Street
Hosted by Just Books Collective and Organise!

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