
Tesco eksploatuje cudzoziemców


Na przełomie lipca i sierpnia główne polskie media przedstawiły historie dwóch polskich pracowników zwolnionych z dublinskigo TESCO z powodu walki o prawa pracownicze. Pikiety zorganizowane przez Tymczasowy Komitet Obrony Robotników odbyły się w kilku miastach w Irlandii, Anglii i Polski. Polskie gazety nazwały to „globalną akcją przeciw Tesco!”. Jeden z wyrzuconych pracowników, Radek Sawicki opowiada nam o swojej walce z TESCO i jej konsekwencjami.

Shell to Sea protestors occupy and shut down Bellanaboy refinery site


Work at the controversial Bellanaboy refinery site was halted on Friday the 16th February for the first time since October 3rd 2006 by a breakaway march of roughly 150 militant protestors.

Day of Support at Bellanaboy sees mass tresspass at refinery


The Shell to Sea Campaign organised a day of support on the 16th February at Bellanaboy to give people from around the country the opportunity to show their support and solidarity with the community of Erris in their struggle against Shell. After the official protest had ended around 100 people crossed the bog to gain access to the refinery and suceeed in halting work there.

WSM remove (more) racist slogans in Cabra


Today, members of the WSM (May 1st Branch) removed racist slogans which had been painted along the canal in Cabra. What had read 'Polish scum out' now reads 'Racist scum out', and the nazi swastikas have been painted over.

Anarchist Youth call it a day Dec. 2005 - Dec. 2006.


Just before Christmas, Anarchist Youth decided unanimously to formally disband. All remaining members have or are in the process of joining the Workers Solidarity Movement. We felt we wanted to be part of a larger organisation with a better organisational structure, more of a support base and better resources.

Report on the Haiti Solidarity Day demo


The 7th of February is quite an important day in Haitian recent history and we would dare to say that is a very important day for the working class' struggles all overthe world -that's the day of the fall of the Duvalier's tyranny back in 1986. Since then, there has been demonstrations in Haiti commemorating that milestone in their struggle for liberation, but at the same time, to remind the people that there's still a long way of struggles ahead.

International Day of Solidarity with the Struggle of the People of Haiti


On the 7th of February of 1986, the Haitian people, after years of revolt against the rich and the powerful in their country, toppled one of the most brutal dictatorships that history has recorded, the one led by the Duvalier family. But not only they did put an end to the US-backed reign of terror of the Duvaliers, but as well, the people were pushing forward a series of popular demands that were meant to radically change the face of Haiti: this was a truly revolutionary struggle.

Commercialism in Irish schools


Anyone who has had a child in primary school over the past couple of years has no doubt heard of the ‘Tesco Computers for Schools’ scheme whereby in return for vouchers collected when you do your shopping, Tesco give ‘free’ computer equipment to schools. You’ve probably also heard about Tesco’s ‘Sport For Schools and Clubs’ and SuperValu’s ‘Kids in Action’ schemes. If you’ve seen the TV ads for the SuperValu version, you’ll probably associate SuperValu with healthy, happy kids.

Caoimhe Butterly to Speak in Dublin on Lebanon


Caoimhe Butterly, who has spent the past five months in Lebanon and who experienced the results of Israel's onslaught last year, will be back in Ireland briefly at the end of January.

During her visit, she will speak on her experiences in Lebanon (in both Beirut and the South) and will be highlighting projects that she is currently involved with (including a film project about life in the wake of the Israeli bombardment and invasion).

Independent Workers Union


The Independent Workers Union (IWU) is a new small Irish trade union which stands outside the partnership consensus and is attempting to build a radical trade union.

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