
Support the Nurses fight for 10% wage rise and 35 hour week


The nurses’ work-to-rule and their threat to escalate the action next week has been met with an outraged onslaught by Mary Harney and Bertie Ahern. The sight of a group of workers standing up and demanding their rights has become so unusual that it seems as if the government cannot believe the temerity of the nurses in doing just that.

Okupacja siedziby Shella w Dublinie


Kwatera główna Shell Oil Company w Dublinie była dziś okupowana przez aktywistów, którzy sprzeciwili się w ten sposób przekazaniu korporacji irlandzkich zasobów naturalnych za bezcen. Protestujący krytycznie postrzegają działalność rządu, który z jednej strony oddaje olbrzymiej firmie zasoby warte wiele milionów euro, a z drugiej mamy do czynienia z faktem niedofinansowania ochrony zdrowia i oświaty.

Why Occupy Corrib House? - End the Gas Giveaway!


This morning myself and a number of my comrades from the WSM along with members of Eirigi occupied the roof and reception of Corrib House to draw attention to the state giveaway of Irelands natural resources. Outlined here is my understanding of why we need to act to regain control of our resources.

Iranian exile on hunger strike in Dublin


A member of the Iranian Kurdish opposition is on hunger strike in a Dublin hostel to protest at being refused asylum in Ireland. On March 21st members of the Workers Solidarity Movement joined Kurdish exiles, Socialist Party TD Joe Higgins, Green TD Ciaran Cuffe, Sinn Fein TD Aengus O'Snodaigh and others at a protest outside the Dail organised by Residents Against Racism.

Don't Pay The Water Charges



1pm Saturday 31st March
Assemble at the Arts College, York Street, Belfast.

Initially called by the We Won't Pay Campaign, other anti water charge groups have also endorsed this demonstration. Anarchists from north and south of the border – from Workers Solidarity Movement, Organise! and the broader libertarian movement – will be on this march, supporting the call that the only way to defeat the water charges is through a strong mass non-payment campaign.

WSM joins demo in solidarity with Ungdomshuset and Danish anarchists


Today the WSM joined a demo in solidarity with those arrested in Copenhagen since the eviction of Ungdomshuset, an autonomous social centre, on Thursday 1st of March. Around 20-30 people from Anarchist Prisoner Support, Polish Anarchist Federation and the WSM gathered outside the Danish embassy on St. Stephen's Green.

Anarchist Book Fair Comes to North Inner City


Saturday, March 3rd will see Dublin’s Second Anarchist Book Fair, a free, public event packed to the brim with radical bookstalls, meetings and social events. Last year, the event was held in the Meath Street Area and proved a great success. This year, due to the increased demand for stalls and meetings, we’ve moved to a larger venue, in the Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square, in Dublin’s North Inner City.

Report on Dublin Solidarity March with Rossport Feb 2007


About 900 people marched through the rain on Saturday in Dublin in solidarity with the community in Rossport who are opposing Shell Oil's attempts to build a dangerous pipeline close to their home.

WSM texts translated into Polish


This years anarchist bookfair (3rd March, Teachers Club) will see a meeting for Polish speaking anarchists in Ireland. There will also be a 'Polish anarchists in Ireland' stall. Poland has quite a large anarchist movement as a result there are a significant number of Polish anarchists who like other Poles have migrated to Ireland to find work. They have translated a large number of articles written by anarchist in Ireland by WSM members into Polish. These translations are now available on the WSM web site.

2007 Dublin Anarchist Bookfair


Bookfair posterThe 2007 Dublin anarchist bookfair will take place Sat 3rd March at Club na Múinteorí (the Teachers Club), 36 Parnell square. On Friday there will be film showings at Seomra Spraoi. On Saturday night there is a gig in the HopHouse, Parnell st (the old Shakespeare pub)

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