
ICTU call for non-payment of water charges


A non-payment campaign has been launched by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions through 'Trade Unions Against Water Charges'. The campaign advocates non-payment of the water charges, which are due to be introduced in April 2007, as the best way to overturn the Government’s proposals.

There is power in a union


SIPTU estimates that almost a third of workers in UCD are ‘fixed term workers’. The university also made a number of them redundant over the summer, including one who had been working for the college since 1981.

Big gains for contract workers in UCD


Like many other employers UCD has sought to save money in the last couple of decades by refusing to create permanent pensionable posts. Instead, a growing percentage of the workforce have been left on short-term contracts without any pension rights.

WSM remove racist slogans in Cabra


Local members of the WSM have removed racist slogans which had been painted along the canal.

WSM day school in Derry


Among our recent activities was the ‘Change Not Chaos’ mini-festival organised by a Derry WSM member. Saturday September 30th saw the Dunlgoe Bar play host to a day of anarchist talks, films and music. 

Dublin gets new radical centre


After more than a year of searching for a suitable venue, the Seomra Spraoi collective has finally taken possession of a space at 6 Ormond Quay, across the river from Bono’s Clarence Hotel. Despite the long wait, the hard work of the collective seems to have paid off, as the Seomra’s calendar struggles to fit all those who wish to use the space. Every week it hosts meetings for the Revolutionary Anarcha-Feminist Group, Anarchist Prisoner Support, the Revolt Video film collective, as well as the regular Thursday assembly of the Seomra Spraoi collective.

Rossport: In Defiance of the State


The month of October saw the community of Rossport occupied by the Gardai Siochana. This occupation is the State response to a community trying to protect themselves against Shell: a multinational with a track record for maltreating communities which they operate in.

O que é que está mal com o G8


Protestos contra o G8 em Génova
- A luta anti-capitalista continua

Ao longo do fim de semana de 19/20/21 de Julho dezenas de milhares de pessoas de todo o mundo estarão em Génova para protestarem contra a cimeira do G8 . Génova irá juntar-se a Seattle, Londres, Praga e Québec como teatro de confrontação entre as forças da globalisação capitalista (neoliberalismo) e aqueles que acreditam que Outros mundos são possíveis.

Sloboda za Mumia Abu Jamal


Na 9 Dekemvri 1981 Abu-Jamal vozese taksi koga vide deka policijata zaprela negov brat. Izleze od avtomobilot za da vidi sto se slucuva. Po raspravijata sto sledese, policaecot od Filadelfiskata policija, Daniel Faulkner bese zastrelan i ubien. Svedocite videle covek koj izbegal od mestoto i koj ne licel na Abu-Jamal. No koga policijata pristigna, tie go uapsija Mumia Abu Jamal koj isto taka bese zastrelan.

Pogromes en Palestine Un anarchiste israélien sur la résistance juive à l'état d'Israel


Un anarchiste israélien sur la résistance juive à l'état d'Israel
La couverture médiatique des pogromes meurtrier lancé par l'état d'Israel contre les palestiniens laisse de côté une partie de l'histoire. Les soit disant "processus de paix" comme celui d'Irlande du Nord sont basé sur l'institutionalisation du sectarisme plutôt que sur son abolition. Il y a des citoyen-ne-s d'Israel et de Palestine, d'origine juive comme musulmane, qui recherchent quelque chose d'autre que les deux états sectaires rivaux. Ironiquement, l'idéologie derrière les pogromes est le sionisme - la croyance que les juifs ne seront à l'abris des pogromes que dans un pays dirigé par des juifs.

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