
WSM member reports from G8 protests at Rostock


The situation at present as I sit in the convergence centre is that several large demonstrations have taken place in Rostock and elsewhere and the police presence has been heavy and aggressive.

Anarchists creating Common Ground


Common Ground - The Path So Far...

FAQ's and Info at Blockade : By BLOCK G8 group


check out this pdf

All you need to know about Camping at G8 2007


See you at the barricades

Visit to Polish anarchist bookfair in Poznan


Brief report from 3 of us who went to the anarchist bookfair in Poznan at the start of May

Public Health not Private Wealth


We all know that the health service is in a terrible state. Elderly patients on trolleys and in chairs for days while they wait for a bed. Operations cancelled, stressed staff, people having to wait years just to see a consultant.

Why? Ireland is now a wealthy country, there is a lot of cash out there. But, as long as the rich and the politicians have their private hospitals, like the Blackrock Clinic and the Bon Secours in Cork, why should they care about what happens to the rest of us?

Solidarity with 'D' in abortion rights case


The D-case is that of a 17 year old woman who has been prevented travelling to England for an abortion. If she is forced to go through with the pregnancy the baby will die soon after birth as the foetus has anencephaly which means parts of the skull and the brain are missing. What follows are reports on solidarity demonstrations on Saturday 5th and Monday 7th May.

No Wash protest ends - Hunger strike Begins! (1981)


A second Hunger Strike has begun, with Bobby Sands, who is serving 14 years for possession of a gun, refusing food on Sunday, March 1st. He will be joined later by others, including it is thought, 2 of the previous women hunger strikers from Armagh.

Report of Rally in support of "Miss D"


This morning, 30 people took part in a solidarity action supporting "Miss D" in her case to be allowed travel abroad for an abortion. The court case continues tomorrow. Rally on Saturday.

Report of succesful blockade of Shell HQ in Dublin


This morning at 7.30 Dublin Shell to Sea members brought a taste of Mayo to Corrib House. Over 50 people took part in an ongoing blockade of the three entrances of the Shell HQ. The protest was peaceful with protesters linking arms and standing in front of the cars of employees as they attempted to enter the underground car park. According to Dublin Shell to Sea the aim of the blockade was "to shut down Shell E&P Ireland's offices ... to highlight the giveaway of Ireland's offshore gas."

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