
Rossport: la lucha de la comunidad en contra de los intereses petroleros


La lucha del pueblo de Rossport en contra de Shell les une con los pueblos del mundo que sufren de las agresiones de los imperios petroleros...

Por ya más de un año, militantes del WSM y del movimiento libertario, se han involucrado a fondo en la lucha de una pequeña comunidad rural en Irlanda, en contra de la construcción de una refinería de hidrocarburos por el consorcio de Shell, Marathon y Statoil, la cual es apoyada a rajatabla por el Estado irlandés.

Reports from the 2006 London anarchist bookfair


In October ten members of the WSM travelled to London to attend the annual anarchist bookfair there. This is a massive event with around eighty individual stalls, films and forty or so meetings held by various groups. Thousands of people pass through the door of the bookfair over the day.

Irish solidarity with Swedish strikers


On November 15th the Swedish Workers Centralorganiation (SAC) called a 24 hour strike in protest against unemployment laws proposed by the new right-wing government.

The Swedish government wants to cut its financial contribution to unemployment funds by 50%, in order to finance more tax cuts for the wealthy, a move they claim will “stimulate the Swedish economy”. 600,000 people depended on benefits last year.

Statement on Gardai attack on Nov 10 Shell to Sea demonstration


Last Friday's events in Rossport were a clear example of the brutality of the state; non-violent protesters were viciously assaulted with fists, boots and batons. It is important to remember however, that these events are part of the same logic that saw five men imprisoned for 92 days last year for refusing to allow Shell to construct a dangerous pipeline through their land.

Eyewitness to Gardai attacks in Rossport 10 Nov.


This is the account of James - a WSM member from Cork - of what happened to him at the November 10th day of action in Rossport. James was the person with the bloody face whose image was featured on indymedia and the TV3 footage of the event.

Report of Autumn 2006 WSM national conference.


The Workers Solidarity Movement held its Autumn 2006 National conference in Seomra Spraoi, a social centre in Dublin. The conference saw around two thirds of the membership attending with greetings sent from our comrades involved in the struggle in Rossport.

WSM social in Dublin Friday 3rd Nov.


Red and Black 11 to be launched

Upcoming Anti-War Events


Anti-War Ireland, in which WSM members in Dublin and Cork are participating, are holding a series of talks and demonstrations over the next week. There are three all former US army interrogators at Abu Ghraib and members now of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Joshua Casteel, Stephen Lewis and Tony Lagouranis who willing be speaking around the country over the coming week.

October 2006 National day of action in Rossport audio report


Interview about National Day of Action in Rossport which saw repeated attempts to blockade the road to the refinery and Gardai (police) attacks on those doing the blockading. "The struggle against Shell's attempt to impose a dangerous gas pipeline on a local community in Rossport (in the West of Ireland) continued today with a national mobilisation, called for by the locals, where people travelled from around the country to go down and support them. "

Interview about the launch of anarcha-feminist magazine RAG


Short (1.5 min) interview with a WSM member involved in the Dublin based Revolutionary Anarcho-Feminist Group who have just launched a magazine with some photos of the Dublin launch.

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