
The opinion of a WSM member. This piece has not been reviewed by any WSM editing body

Readers experiences of policing or comments on Make Policing History


The is the readers comments page for the Make Policing History texts.  We want to hear what your experiences are or what your comments on the text are.

If you have not yet read the Make Policing History text click on this link.

Mental health: From a cruel world to a new world


Yesterday I went to a funeral for a man who cared passionately for those who suffered at the hands of state cruelty. He campaigned tirelessly against racism in Ireland and for rights for immigrants. He himself suffered from depression and took his own life. It was a very sad funeral.

The Public v. Public Services? An education worker looks at the reality behind media spin


Employed private sector worker seeks job in the public sector. This is surely an oxymoron... And also, “The cheek!”  –Aren’t you lucky to have a job at all? Why would you want to join those leeching public sector workers, not only as a colleague, but also in protest?!

Guest writer: Roisin Keane

The real thugs and hijackers are the G8 dealers of austerity


In the wake of this week's violent eviction of a squat in London, the state propaganda offensive is in full swing to intimidate and criminalise any opposition to the their savage anti working class agenda. Their divide and conquer strategy has been given an added boost by the organisers of this Saturday's march in Belfast city centre.

Opinion poll shows weakness of Catholic bishops and anti-choice movement


Today's Irish Times IPSOS poll results show the marginalisation of the catholic hierarchy and the anti choice movement. Both bodies have thrown everything they can into opposing the proposed legislation for the X case and rolling back the growing public support for wide access to abortion. The poll also demonstrates just how far behind the people are the political class when it comes to the issue.

The questions and the percentages are below

1:Do you approve of the legislation? Yes - 75%, No - 14%.

Dare to struggle, Dare to win! A conversation with IWW Sydney -audio


A Irish emigrant to Australia and WSM supporter gives his story about working on building sites, unions and audio conversation with IWW. - The Industrial Workers of the World from the Americas to Australasia have historically formed the bedrock of a radical revolutionary tendency in the labour movement, fanning the flames of class war fighting for a radical union where power resides in at its base asserting the need to abolish wage slavery where workers take full control over their labour.

Government legislation an attempt to bully trade unionists into voting for paycuts


The ‘Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill 2013’, published by the government on Thursday last (23rd May) is a clear attempt to bully public sector workers into voting for the re-hashed terms of the Croke Park II deal emphatically rejected by them just a couple of weeks ago.

Oppose the G8 dealers of austerity


The media charm offensive has began as our local corrupt political class roll out the the red carpet to the notorious gang of eight, dealers of austerity, state terror and imperialism.  The beautiful tranquil lakes of Fermanagh will be turned into a ring of steel’ with security fencing extending for miles protected by an army of professional thugs and watchtowers to keep the rest of us plebs at bay.

Report back from Dublin meeting on Croke Park - your opinions?


On the 8th of May the WSM held a meeting in Dublin on the Croke Park No Vote.  A 3rd 'deal' has since been announced and we will be arguing for a No vote on that deal but we want to invite our readers to look at the notes below and to post comments on what they think is the way to defeat the attempts by the union leaders and government to impose these cuts in one way or the other.  The meeting was divided into discussion tables with the people attending moving between the discussions at these tables and a WSM member taking notes of the discussion, these are the notes below.

Hidden costs of the Fermanagh G8 run beyond millions spent policing protest


The Security budget for the Fermanagh G8 operation, to encompass cities in Northern Ireland, including buildings, phone lines and whatever else may be deemed a ‘Security risk’, will add many millions to the already astronomical security budget .  There is £3.8 million for drones and £1.3 million for pop up hotels for the 2,500 extra Officers already drafted in.  The additional cost of subsistence and logistics involved in PSNI guarding 208 empty buildings in Belfast from a mythical anarchist plan to occupy them is no more than a ridiculous attempt to scare anyone who is against the G8 Summit. These sort of stories in the media are intended to thwart any attempts to allow for freedom protest.   The supposed economic gains of pantomime are alleged longer term investment that will be brought to the province in the way of business for some hotels! But the less visible costs include the cost of the loss of earnings for local residents for the three days of the summit, the road closures and disruption to people’s lives and privacy.

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